Wednesday, October 30, 2019

Safety Management Term Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Safety Management - Term Paper Example For any given manufacturing organization, the list of occupational hazards is very long. There may be health hazards from operating bulky, dangerous machinery that may injure or even kill the operator, working in improper positions, physical hazards such as too much noise, heat, inadequate lighting, and exposure to harmful radiations. There may also be exposed to chemicals like lead, cadmium, chromium, organic solvents and welding fumes. Plus, there are mental and psychological hazards from working long hours and in shifts. Specifically, in a car-manufacturing industry, there are some activities involved that have serious implications for health. In the manufacturing of battery for cars, there is a high incidence of exposure to lead and cadmium in case of lead-acid batteries and cadmium batteries respectively. Too much exposure to these metals may lead to chronic lung and kidney diseases that may prove to be fatal. Another fairly common activity in this sector is the welding or smelt ing of metals in order to construct the body of the car. This poses a risk of exposure to toxic materials like Sulphur dioxide and Welding fumes. In addition, the environment in and around the area in which the factory is situated gets polluted and affects the families living in them. All these occupational hazards are evident in the Toyota Group.In this respect, Toyota delivers not just the best cars made out of the most advanced set of tools and techniques but also in terms of high safety standards for its employees.

Monday, October 28, 2019

Human Factors in Maintenance Essay Example for Free

Human Factors in Maintenance Essay Nationair DC-8 Flight 2120 took the lives of 247 passengers and 14 crew members; 261 in all; during takeoff on July 11, 1991. The jet was owned by Canadian airline Nolisair, and was being operated by a Nigerian company to transport Nigerian pilgrims in and out of Mecca. The DC- 8 caught fire during take-off from Abdulaziz International Airport, Jeddah, Saudi Arabia. Pilots noticed problems during early stages of take-off and only made it 671 meters in elevation before attempting to turn around for a emergency landing. It was too late; the under inflated tires had overheated began to catch fire. The fire grew and blew out the hydraulics which made the emergency landing impossible. This was the worst wreck a DC-8 had ever experienced and has held the record for many years following. The NTSB concluded that the fire could have been handled by leaving the landing gear extended and away from the plane. Although the pilots failed to make the right decision, and added just one more human error to the equation, it was the obvious neglect by the maintenance team that caused this horrific accident. There are many human factors which played a vital role in the crash. The maintenance team failed to inflate the #2 and #4 main gear tires after recognizing the pressure during the pre-flight. An attempt to inflate the tires failed because there was no nitrogen available at the location. Further investigation shows later that the maintenance team recognized and had written up the tires during a previous A inspection but was signed off and overlooked more than twice before the incident. Human Factors Involvement There are many human factors that caused the Flight 2120 crash, and most of them are maintenance related. There was a Liveware-Liveware problem with the lack of communication between the lead mechanic and Director of Production. The Director of Production never questioned the lead mechanic and was said to have little contact with the him prior to this happening. Liveware-Hardware issues developed because of lack of qualified personnel amongst the maintenance team. The maintenance team did not have a qualified person to sign off the jet, leaving the task to the flight engineer who was not in tune with the maintenance team. The responsibility should have landed in the lead mechanics hands to sign off the maintenance write ups and the Director of Production should have been more involved by communicating with the lead mechanic and being more involved. There was a break down in maintenance even in the early stages of this TDY. The tires had been already recognized and written up during prior inspections, but pressure from the Project Manager to make the mission influenced the maintenance team to overlook minor maintenance issues at that time. Although seemingly minor at the time, the issues would later be the ultimate downfall and failure of the mission. Lack of communication and pressure caused the maintenance team to not see the importance of inflating the tires to the standard before going on a long mission. The minor task of inflating the tires to the standards before going on the long sortie would have negated the tires overheating and causing the plane to catch on fire and crash. The maintenance team was not the only factor which added to the human factors. The air crew is also responsible for some bad decision making skills also. During take-off one crew member was recorded stating that he thought he heard a main landing gear tire blow. The pilot failed to act upon and acknowledge this and carried on with the task. Pilots failed to recognize warning lights designed to inform the pilot of landing gear issues. While taking off the crew failed to use proper radio procedures regulations that kept them in contact with the tower. The night before the crash the pilots were out shopping and eating and not returning home until hours before take-off. The lack of crew rest could have played a role in decision making abilities amongst the crew. The crew showed up to the aircraft late which pushed maintenance to hurry and complete the pre-flight, giving them no time to perform a good complete inspection. Lack of leadership in the cockpit added to the advancement in takeoff. If the copilot trusted his own judgment and realized there was a problem in the main gear he could have stopped the aircraft from taking off. Safety Nets The crash of flight 2120 could have easily been avoided by simply following standard procedures set by international and local organizations. The maintenance holds the bulk of the responsibility in terms of human factors. The communication between the lead mechanic and AME could have been solved by following the chain of command. The director of production had very poor communication with the lead mechanic. This caused for a lack in communication from the there up the chain. The communication was broken at this given point in the chain of command and gave little information which is vital in aviation. The AME had direct responsibility to sign off the final for flight and it was handed over to the flight engineer whom had little knowledge of the maintenance operations. The maintenance team failed to complete given checklists and follow standards set by the FFA and international organizations. With the lack of communication, personnel, and leadership, along with added pressure, the aircraft was not mission ready and should have been better managed from top to bottom. The maintenance crew has very stringent tire pressure requirements and the responsibility lies in even the lowest level of operations to complete the task. The warning lights indicated to the cockpit flight crew that problems have arouse and they chose to ignore them. By receiving proper crew rest the night before, they might have had better decision making skills and could have made the right decision at the given moment. They also became complacent and did not use the communication procedures with the tower. Conclusion Human factors is the cause of most aircraft accidents and this one is a major example of how many human factors can play such a vital role. Flight 2120 shows the importance and how human factors can directly affect everything involved. The importance of being alert and aware of your environment can come down to one decision which can be the determining factor in any situation. The maintenance and air crew failed to follow written guidelines and standards of operation to protect the lives of those on board. The mission was doomed from the start by the maintenance communication breakdown. The lack of qualified personnel should have been one of the first red flags. The decision to not fix the problem and over look it several times put them in an environment where the tools needed for the job was not present. The lack of leadership from the bottom level of the maintenance crew to the pilot was a major issue. The lowest level maintenance personnel could have stepped up and brought about the problem. The flight of Nigerian Airway 2120 was that caused by human error. The horrific event shows the importance of following set standards and regulations. The crash exposes the vital role in the chain of command and how human error and lack of communication can break down at any level. References

Saturday, October 26, 2019

My Pitiful Father Essay examples -- Personal Narrative

My Pitiful Father I always thought that family was supposed to stick by family through all of the tough circumstances. So why did my father just walk out on my family when we needed him the most? How could he make us suffer and blame it all on me? Every family has its problems and arguments once in a while. My father was our family’s problem. His presence made us all feel uneasy. I do not know what it was, but when I was a little girl, I feared my father. I feared being alone with him; I feared going out with him; I feared him. Around him I felt like I was imperfect because I thought he was perfection. He seemed to have gotten along with my older and younger brother better than me. I was the one to take his orders and follow them. The more I grew up, the more distant I became from my father. When my father was mad at any one of us, it seemed like the end of the world. Nothing was worse than my father completely ignoring me. When I was little, I went with my father and brother to the toy store. My dad bought my brother a toy, and for the first time ever, I got mad and jealous at him. My dad saw how I reacted towards my brother and when we all got to the car, he told me not to get inside. This happened more than ten years ago, and I still can feel that tightening feeling in my stomach. I still feel the tears that came down as I watched my dad cold-heartedly drive off and leave me in the parking lot. My father had no remorse when he saw me crying. It seemed to me that he was more satisfied with himself when he saw anyone of us crying. My dad was far from perfect. But it was fear that held my brothers and me from telling anyone anything he did, especially my mom. My mom worked during the evening, ... seeing us (particularly me) unhappy. Why? It is hard to say. Events like this never made any sense to me. While I was in my brother’s room, I called my mother and told her what was going on. I did not realize that I had left the door open, and my father was standing there and overheard me. He started screaming and yelling at me and told me I was the reason why he and my mother did not get along anymore. He told me I was the reason why the family was breaking apart—it was all my fault. Was it really my fault? Or was it just a â€Å"cover story,† because he knew it was his fault. I did not understand how a person who brought me into this world, who was supposed to love me unconditionally, could take all his love away. My father helps me to realize that hate is a â€Å"cover story† for love. I know my father loves me regardless of what has happened in the past.

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Discuss the Importance of Visual Perception Essay

Sexual development is an important personal characteristic that contributes to ones self-worth. It is the way one sees him or her independent of one’s anatomic appearance. The way one feels and the way one is acknowledged by society and the environment can make the difference between being happy or unhappy. Whether or not one’s choice is accepted by others can also influence how one lives. Unfortunately, sexual development is often confused because it is most often assumed to agree with one’s appearance. Very often, it does but sometimes it differs. Simply because something seems or is supposed to be a certain way due to one’s societal expectations, does not mean that it always will be. Things are not always the way they appear and it takes much greater knowledge and understanding to accept people for what they are, even if it does not go along with what one learned. Keywords: Gender, male and female, hormones, environment Sexual Development Everyone possesses a gender identity, which most often matches one’s anatomic appearance. One’s sexual development can be either male or female or even something in between. Is sexual development truly so important or does it not play that significant of a role? Maybe this example will help everyone come to a better conclusion about this subject. A healthy baby boy was born to very happy parents. However, about eight months into his life, something happened and his genitals were horrifically destroyed. His biggest male appearance at that age, his penis, did not exist anymore. His parents, completely disturbed by the accident, heard about a psychologist who was able to assign sex to children whose genitals were destroyed or not there for another reason. According to Culbertson (2009), â€Å"If it is not created, then the child will be assigned a grammatical gender (in the Western world, all children must be either a boy or a girl), which may or may not match that childà ¢â‚¬â„¢s social gender as it evolves over the course of childhood† (para. 14). Very often, when a parent chooses the sex for his or her own child due to the circumstances, it seems to work very well. However, prenatal hormones also influence these factors in either working or not. Nevertheless, it did not work in this case and this boy began to live  an unhappy life as a girl. Time went by and many problems occurred until she saw another psychologist. Her parents finally told her what happened and she began the transformation into a male. It seems like being a male made him happier once again and he even married and became a stepfather. However, this story does not have a successful conclusion, as David Reimer committed suicide at the age of 38 (New York Times, 2004). This tragic story shows that one’s sexual development matters. It also explains that there is more than one factor that contributes to one’s sexual development. Therefore, the author of this paper will try to provide a better understanding into how gender identity and sexual development happens. The interaction between hormones and behavior will be explained and what role it plays in finding his or her own gender indentify in sexual development. As usual, it will also use the help of biopsychology and the environment to provide a better answer for the reader. The author hopes that the reader will not only establish a deeper knowledge about this subject but mostly that he or she will walk away with more understanding for individualism. Determination of Sexual Development Many different factors come into play determining one’s final sexual development. It is very important to acknowledge that not everything that appears a certain way also will perform as such. One’s anatomy might indicate being a male or female; however, this does not mean that this is actually how a person views him or herself. Chromosomes play a very important role in developing sexual organs. Sexual chromosomes, such as XX and XY, help determine sexual differentiation. For instance, XX chromosomes will lead to the development of a female while XY chromosomes develop a male. In addition, the sexual X chromosome and non-sexual chromosomes can do more and possess the ability of developing either sexual genitals. This is why the exposure to hormones before and after one is born is so significant. Hormones are responsible for one’s biological development. Therefore, it is very interesting to find out that the Y chromosome directs the glands to releases male sex hormones. Furthermore, hormones present during pregnancy will most likely affect the nervous system. It is important to acknowledge that every embryo is bisexual and has the ability to develop into a male or female until the end of the first trimester and  the ability of hormones, which will the determine the kind of system, the Mà ¼llerian system or Wolffian system, one develops (Carlson, 2007). It is clear that hormones influence sexual development and help one to not only view him or her as male or female but also feel as such. For instance, hormones also influence feminine and masculine characteristics. As stated by Berk (2004), â€Å"Masculine and androgynous children and adults have higher self-esteem, whereas feminine individuals often think poorly of themselves, perhaps because many of their traits are not highly valued by society†(p. 263). Children and Sexual Development One is not born knowing everything about him or herself. The way one is brought up, the environment, and different beliefs, just to mention few, all help one come to that conclusion. Children are not born with the knowledge of what his or her anatomy and gender identity is; they learn it at a certain age. To be even more exact and according to Rathus, Nevid, & Fichner-Rathus (2008) â€Å"Most children first become aware of their anatomic sex by about the age of 18 months. By 36 months, most children have acquired a firm sense of gender identity† (p.167). Therefore, one’s social learning and cognitive development also affect gender identity and sexual development. Children are influenced first by their parents and then by other authorities, peers and even the media. Another very important theory that should be considered in how one comes to their gender identity is the gender schema theory. This theory knows the strong influence one’s cognitive development and the environment play together. This happens by setting either masculine or feminine categories with which one can identify more. So for instance, boys play only with specific toys and girls do the same. Either gender is criticized by not following these rules or these rules are even pre-set by others. Parents buy gender specific toys and stores even categorize their sections by age and gender. These examples show how much other factors help one choose his and her gender identity and therefore influence one’s sexual development (Berk, 2004, p. 263). Still, even though one’s appearance normally goes along with one’s preference, there are times when this does not happen. Maybe this is one of the reasons why it takes so many to open up and let everyone know how he or she truly  feels. This may also be one of the reasons why so many never say anything and hurt themselves or even end their lives. This is why it is especially important for parents and other authorities’ roles to avoid stereotyping and allow the possibility of acceptance even if it does not go alone with one’s thin king and the social agreement. Furthermore, this can be explained by examining the behavior of intersexuals. Intersexuals’ gonads differ from their sexual appearance yet they are brought up by how they look. However, many express difficulty indentifying with being either male or female. This provides the clear evidence of the interplay of biological factors and the environment contributing to one’s sexual development (Rathus, Nevid, & Fichner-Rathus, 2008). However, indentifying with either one seems to be important. Quoted by Gross: Both males and females reported that gendered expectations at home involved educational success. For females, gendered expectations at school involved being interested in fashion and boys. For males, gendered expectations at school involved being interested in girls and participating in non-academic activities like sport (Gross, 2009). Biological Psychology Biological psychology plays an important role and considers different factors when explaining what and how sexual differentiation and sexual development is determine. It acknowledges that a person’s brain influences one’s behavior; this behavior resembles male or female characteristics and will be categorized as such. However, biological psychology also knows that it is not so simple explaining a human and there are many other important aspects in one’s life, which cause certain things to occur. Therefore, not only the brain but also, hormones, heredity, the environment, cultural upbringing, and one’s choices will determine either a traditional or a non-traditional role with which one can better identify. Determination of Greater Influence As everyone differs from each other, so too differ each individual’s influence. For instance, someone could have been exposed to prenatal hormones that normally would determine how one turns out to be, but then they were prone to the influences of his or her environment and turned out completely opposite. Therefore, saying which has the greater contribution  is a difficult decision to make. There is evidence for both such as, being raised as a male and resembling one should surely let one know that is how they should feel. That does not happen all the time. If the answer would be so clear, then one should be able to know what causes female homosexuals to have higher levels of testosterone, as human biology or a certain lifestyle can increase the level. This is why it is, most likely, the interplay of both that contribute to this occurrence, leading to uncertainty of the main cause. Conclusion One’s looks do not indicate how one feels and certain important factors contribute to one’s sexual differentiation, gender identity, and sexual development. Surely, it matters to try to find the correct answers because they may provide more understanding to human nature. So maybe one day, much clearer resolutions can be provided. However, in the mean time, one should always keep in mind that every individual tries to be his or her best and to be acknowledged is what, in the end, counts and makes a truly good person. One way of doing so is â€Å"by making it illegal to discriminate in employment, public accommodation, credit, housing and education based on a person’s sexual orientation or gender identity†( Journal of Property Management, 2007).

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

A Model of Christian Charity & Letter to Philip Sidney

Winthrop, as mentioned before Is a dedicated Puritan, which are English colleens who believed that the Church of England was corrupt and needed to be â€Å"purified,† During this time period many Puritans and those of other religions were ridiculed and discriminated because of their faith. Many restrictions were placed on them, and additional taxes were added tot their Income. Winthrop believed the only way to purify the church was to leave England now and begin a new way of life. In his essay describes his perfect society as the inhabitants begin one with God and each other.He implies that a move now is the best way to begin purification. Hastily, and English writer and geographer saw many benefits form the colonization of the New World. With his background in geography he knew that North America would be filled with various types of raw materials and wild life. His letter gave examples of this variety mentioning the different types of wood such as cedar, oak, walnut and sund ry. He explained how these resources would not only benefit the colonies but also benefit England.He believed the resources available loud be able to be divided equally among the colonies and England. He also saw the financial benefits that they could come from colonization. Money was the most important reason for his proportions to colonize. Money was big factor in his argument. In these essays both Winthrop and Hastily emphasized that the best way to receive their desired outcome was to go now. To Hastily going now would be the best way to receive the maximum benefits from the North American raw materials.Winthrop believed leaving now was the only way to purify the church, saying that thing could be done for the church in England. Also stating the by leaving now would make the purification process to go faster. They also shared the ground on which they settled which was Massachusetts. They each believed a colony near the coast would help the more economically. A Model of Christian Charity & Letter to Philip Sidney By larders published an essay to inform his followers of his solution to the problem if the corrupt Church of England.This solution in fact was moving to the New World. Richard Hastily, in 1582, sent a letter to Philip Sidney to inform of the great believed the solution to their issues was to go and colonized North America. Winthrop, as mentioned before is a dedicated Puritan, which are English citizens who believed that the Church of England was corrupt and needed to be â€Å"purified. † During this time period many Puritans and those of other religions were ridiculed additional taxes were added tot their income. Winthrop believed the only way to coast would help the more economically.

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

The Xinjiang Qanat System of the Turpan Oasis

The Xinjiang Qanat System of the Turpan Oasis The Xinjiang Qanat System is a remarkable feat of irrigation engineering skill, and it is considered one of the three great wonders of China, after the Han Dynasty (206 BCE–220 CE) Great Wall and the Sui Dynasty (581–618 CE) Beijing-Hangzhou Grand Canal. The qanat (also known as a karez) system is a rich water source for the Turpan Oasis, tapping groundwater stored in the deep subsurface gravel layers of the Gobi belt. What makes this all the more interesting is the fact that scholars are still not agreed upon when the qanat system was built... and that begs the question of who built it. Climate of the Turpan The Turfan (or Turpan) basin, located to the east of the more famous Tarim Basin, is one of the driest areas in China, with a total precipitation of 15-25 millimeters (under one inch) per year, and an elevation about 160 meters (524 feet) below sea level. The average temperature of the basin is 32.7 degrees Celsius (90.8 degrees Fahrenheit) in July, but the winters are rather chilly, and in January the average temperatures are about 9.5 degrees C (49.6 degrees F), and can fall as low as -28 degrees C (18 degrees F). The Turfan Basis, while a desert, is much more hospitable than its southern neighbor, the harsh Taklamakan Desert. Wedged between the Taklamakan and the Tianshan Mountains, the Turfan was a much preferred, not to say feasible, route for travelers on the Silk Road: its oasis was a critical stopover. Irrigating the Turfan Theres no doubt that the oasis had a natural beginning. A total of 4,000 sq km (1,500 sq mi) of the Turfan Basin lies below sea level; the Turpan Oasis lies in the lowest part, at an elevation of 154 m (505 ft) below average sea level. The oasis is nestled at the foot of the Tianshan (Flaming or Heavenly) mountains, and from autumn to spring, water from snowmelt off the Tienshan rushes into Turpan, revitalizing the oasis naturally. But at some time in its past- scholars argue that occurred anywhere from 200 to 2,000 years ago- the residents of Turpan built a massive qanat system that reached into the water table and tapped the aquifer, in some cases up to 200 m (650 ft) below the surface. That system included over 5,000 km (3,100 mi) of underground tunnels and thousands of wells. Whether it was built as a result of an environmental disaster or merely insurance against one, the Xinjiang qanat system is evidence that the Turpan was a highly prized stop on the Silk Road. Qanats in the Deserts A qanat is a system of underground tunnels and wells that tap deeply buried aquifers in arid and semi-arid places. In brief, a well is dug into the aquifer, a horizontal tunnel is excavated from the well to a surface collection place and ventilation shafts are placed at intervals along the tunnel to provide maintenance access. Invented by the Persians in the 7th century BCE, qanat technology was spread by imperialism: outside of Persia by the 6th century BCE Achaemenid king Darius the Great; into Syria and Jordan by the Romans in the first and second century CE; into North Africa and Spain by the Islamic civilization in the 12th and 13th centuries CE; and finally into North and South America during the 16th century Spanish conquest. The only place in China where qanats exist at all is in Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region, in the Turfan basin on the far western edge of Chinas realm. Deserts make up 43 percent of Xinjiang province, oases only about 4.3 percent and the rest is mountains. In the 2nd century BCE, the international trade network called the Silk Road was dependent on a line of strategically situated oases wedged between the Tianshan Mountains and the Taklamakan Desert in the Tarim and Turfan basins. Turpan was an important oasis in the eastern-most segment of the Silk Road, and, even today, more than 95 percent of the total population and almost all the agriculture, settlements and industries in Xinjiang are concentrated in the Turpan Oasis. The Size and Complexity of the Turpan Qanat System The Turpan qanat system includes at least 1,039 qanats (some sources suggest as many as 1,700), with underground channels stretching for a length of more than 5,000 kilometers, or about 3,100 miles. While there is no doubt that the origins of the Turpan Oasis were natural, there is also no doubt that the Xinjiang Qanat System was built to increase the available access to water. Whether the qanats were built as a result of climate change or to support a population increase or even provide year-round water is open to debate: probably a little of all those things. Estimates for the construction date of the qanats vary from the first century BCE to the 19th century CE. The system is so successful that grapes are grown in a region of what is essentially a continental desert- the earliest grapes in Turpan are from the Subeixi culture Yanghai tombs, with an  AMS radiocarbon date of about 300 BCE. What we know for sure is that in the 1950s, an intense increase in well irrigation was established in Turpan, over-exploiting the aquifer: since then the majority of the qanats have dried and become abandoned. Only 238 were functioning in 2009. The Karez Wells in Turpan were inscribed into UNESCOs Tentative List of World Heritage Sites in 2012. Sources Beck U, Wagner M, Li X, Durkin-Meisterernst D, and Tarasov PE. 2014. The invention of trousers and its likely affiliation with horseback riding and mobility: A case study of late 2nd millennium BC finds from Turfan in eastern Central Asia. Quaternary International 348:224-235. Chen T, Yao S, Merlin M, Mai H, Qiu Z, Hu Y, Wang B, Wang C, and Jiang H. 2014. Identification of Cannabis Fiber from the Astana Cemeteries, Xinjiang, China, with Reference to Its Unique Decorative Utilization. Economic Botany 68(1):59-66. Jiang H-E, Zhang Y, Là ¼ E, and Wang C. 2015. Archaeobotanical evidence of plant utilization in the ancient Turpan of Xinjiang, China: a case study at the Shengjindian cemetery. Vegetation History and Archaeobotany 24(1):165-177. Luo L, Wang X, Guo H, Liu C, Liu J, Li L, Du X, and Qian G. 2014. Automated extraction of the archaeological tops of qanat shafts from VHR imagery in Google Earth. Remote Sensing 6(12):11956-11976. Luo L, Wang X, Liu J, Guo H, Lasaponara R, Ji W, an d Liu C. 2017. Uncovering the ancient canal-based tuntian agricultural landscape at Chinas northwestern frontiers. Journal of Cultural Heritage 23(Supplement):79-88. Tang Y-N, Li X, Yao Y-F, Ferguson DK, and Li C-S. 2014. Environmental Reconstruction of Tuyoq in the Fifth Century and Its Bearing on Buddhism in Turpan, Xinjiang, China. PLoS ONE 9(1):e86363.Wang S, and Zhao X. 2013. Re-evaluating the Silk Roads Qinghai Route using dendrochronology. Dendrochronologia 31(1):34-40.

Monday, October 21, 2019

Great Expectations by Charles Dickens Research Paper Example

Great Expectations by Charles Dickens Research Paper Example Great Expectations by Charles Dickens Paper Great Expectations by Charles Dickens Paper Essay Topic: Great Expectations Literature The novel Great Expectations was written by Charles Dickens and is about a young boy, Pip who falls in love with a young girl, Estella and inherits money in order for him to go to London to learn how to become a gentleman. Pip has many various reasons for wanting to go to London and Dickens uses powerful imagery to show how Pip is easily disappointed upon his arrival to London. Great Expectations is about Pip looking back on his life which means that this is a 1st Person novel. In Great Expectations Pip wants to go to London because of a number of reasons dating back to his childhood. He felt threatened by the convicts that he had met at the graveyard. You get me a file and you get me wittles or Ill have your heart and liver out. He is being terrorised by one of the convicts and forced to steal from his own family which makes him into a thief and a liar. Because he his made to feel a thief and a liar this is one of the reasons Pip wants to go to London to become a gentleman. This is also a threat of cannibalism towards Pip which is another reason he wants to go to London, which is because he feels threatened and is terrified by the convicts. : Another reason why Pip wants to go to London is because by going to Miss Havishams he has been shown a different lifestyle which is one that he would want. This makes Pip want to go to London so he can lead a lifestyle similar to the ones of Miss Havisham and Estella. Miss Havisham is another cause of Pip wanting to go to London because Pip describes Miss Havisham as waxwork which show that he believes she is perfect. This makes him determined to go to London so he can become a gentleman and become waxwork-like as Miss Havisham is. Pip wants to go to London because he loves Estella and by becoming a gentleman he believes that Estella may start to like him. He calls the knaves, jacks, this boy and what coarse hands he has makes Pip feel poor and like a commoner. By going to London Pip believes this will help him win Estella. Throughout Pips early life he was brought up by hand from his sister, Mrs Joe. This makes Pip want to go to London so he can live a life without being abused and violently mistreated. By becoming a gentleman he will not have to be brought up by hand any more so this gives Pip a reason to go to London. The threats of cannibalism by the convict links to Estella ripping Pips heart out in a different way and because she can do this it gives the impression that she is more powerful, wealthy and a better class than Pip which makes him want to become a gentleman so that he can be a better class person than he believes he is. Pip wants to go London so that he can gain respect from Estella and be referred to as a gentleman rather than boy and he is often referred to. Uncle Pumblechook aims a threat of cannibalism towards Pip when he says that If youd have been born a pig you would have been butchered and had you heart torn out links to the convicts threats which makes Pip want to go to London as he feels threatened by Uncle Pumblechooks comments. This also makes Pip want to go to London as he does not want to be likened to a pig because they are common creatures with a sense of dirtiness around them. This makes Pip feel like a filthy person and makes him want to go London so that he can change this. Another reason for Pip wanting to go to London is the fact that he wants to impress Estella and by being well educated and having better clothes he believes that he can do that. Pip becomes ashamed of living with Joe and his profession and lies to Joe and Mrs Joe after the first visit to Miss Havishams house. She was sitting in a black velvet coach and we all had cake and wine on gold plates shows that Pip is exaggerating and making this up because he is ashamed to tell Joe and Mrs Joe of how he was offended and made to feel ashamed of all the things around him. Pip inherits some money which directs him to London. Because of the money Pip has inherited he becomes snobbish and classes himself a better quality than the poor people living in his area. As I passed the church, I felt a sublime compassion for the poor creatures. This shows that Pip is being snobbish and seeing himself better than the people he has grown up all his life with. This makes him want to go to London so he can get away from the people he sees as poor. When Pip finally arrives in London we see that his expectations are easily disappointed. Upon arrival he goes to visit Mr Jaggers, a lawyer in London and his lawyer, and Dickens describes Jaggers room using negative imagery. By doing this the reader can see how Pips expectations are instantly disappointed and that London is a corrupt and vile place to be in. Mr Jaggers room was lighted by a skylight only is a good use of imagery by Dickens because it gives the impression of a lack of light which could lead to corruption in the legal system or corruption in London in general. Dickens uses a simile in Chapter 20 which shows how the characters all are in Great Expectations. Like a broken head links to various characters such as Mrs Joe who has a broken head because she is paralysed and to other characters such as Estella who is being controlled by Miss Havisham and Pip who doesnt know what to do in his life. Old rusty pistol, a sword in a scabbard shows the death of Pips expectations and how they are instantly disappointed because swords and pistols are pieces of equipment linked to death so could be the sign of the death of Pips expectations. Another piece of imagery used to show the death of Pips expectations is deadly black horsehair ike a coffin which could show the death of Pips expectations because coffins are associated with funerals and this is a ceremony of death. The deadly black creates the impression of darkness in London which shows how Pips expectations are disappointed straight away. In Chapter 21 Dickens uses sarcasm by using the word haven to describe a part of London. This is ironic because it is not a haven at all so creates the impression that Pip is disappointed of London. Dickens uses many words and phrases to create the impression that Pip is easily disappointed and his expectations have been killed off. Disgorged is an unpleasant word and links to the unpleasantness of London in general and how Pip has become disappointed with London. A repetition of the word dismal shows the reader how dull a place London is and how Pips expectations have faded away. The repetition adds the effect that shows how terrible London really is. Dilapidated means broken down and represents Pips expectations and how they are broken down and the idea that London is a mess and is broken down also. Pips expectations have been killed off and to show this Dickens uses a harsh alliteration of C by using the words crippled and cracked. The harsh alliteration suggests to the reader that Pips expectations have crashed down and are over. Dusty decay is used by Dickens in Chapter 21 to create the alliterative effect of the D portraying the dirtiness of London and this dirt has caused Pip to be instantly disappointed with London. In Chapter 21 there is a link to the graveyard. Unholy interment in the gravel links to the graveyard and graveyards are associated with death. Because of this link London could now be a link to the death of Pips expectations. Dickens shows the death of Pips expectations once more in Chapter 21 with the words ashes, soot and smoke. These are images linked to cremation and give the idea that Pips expectations have been burnt away. Dry-rot, wet-rot, silent rots that rot. This is a repetition of rot and is a good use of imagery by Dickens because it leaves the reader with the impression that Pips expectations are rotting away. The stench of London is ironically compared to a medicine by Pip in Chapter 21. Try Barnards Mixture links to the idea that what Pip thought would be so good turned out to so grim. This shows how Pip is easily disappointed with London. Oppressed and exhausted are words used by Dickens to show the reader how London is not what it is expressed as and that Pip has had enough of London and his expectations are dead. Pip has been corrupted by money and has turned into a snob. Dust and grit are a symbol of the dirt in London and that has stuck to Pip and made him a snob and now a bad person. Even when in London Pip is still thinking about Estella because he is in love with her. Could not bear the two casts on the shelf represents Pip and Estella and show their potential together has been killed. Shameful is a descriptive word used to show how Pip feels about London and how his expectations are dead and also his impression of London has been instantly disappointed. An alliteration of Fs by Dickens makes London sound dirty and a bad, corrupt place. Filth and fat and foam is alliteration and gives the reader the sense of dirtiness. Bulging is an unpleasant word used to describe London and links to the convict jumping out on Pip at the graveyard which by being reminded of the convict makes him still feel like a thief and liar. London is also shows to have a lack of morality by Dickens. Smelling strongly of spirits and beer shows a lack of morality and the death of Pips expectations because spirits and beer are seen as bad items. Stone building could be a tombstone which shows a death of Pips expectations. In conclusion I can tell that the Pips expectations were dead from the start of the story because the scene was set in a graveyard, which is an image and place linked with death, so it shows that Pip never had any expectation to begin with and if so they were killed right at the start of the story. Also I can see that the only gentleman in the story is Joe because he never looks down on anybody and is always grateful for what he has in life whereas Pip becomes a snob as soon as he gets money and Mr Jaggers is a corrupt character. Mr Jaggers is part of the corrupt society in London that will do anything fort money such as getting people to escape a prison sentence when they have committed murder, which is not gentleman-like. Uncle Pumblechook is not a true gentleman because he looks down on Pip which Joe doesnt. Old Orlick paralysed Mrs Joe which is not what a gentleman would do. Because of this Joe is the only real gentleman in the story. I can see that Joe is the only true gentleman in the novel because he shows compassion to the convict which many other people wouldnt do. We wouldnt want you to starve to death shows that he is a gentleman because he could have judged the convict straight away but because he didnt know him he didnt feel he was in the position to judge which proves he is a gentleman because he gets along with everybody. Another incident which shows that Joe is the only true gentleman is when he offers Pip gravy at the dinner table. This shows tenderness towards other people and he did this because of Pip being mistreated. This makes him gentleman because it shows he cares for people no matter what happens. In conclusion I can see that the Dickens use the title for irony because Pip never had any expectations. Also by starting the novel in a graveyard this shows that Pips expectations were killed off straight away as graveyards are images of death.

Sunday, October 20, 2019

How to Get an ISBN Everything You Need to Know About ISBN Numbers

How to Get an ISBN Everything You Need to Know About ISBN Numbers How to Get an ISBN: Everything You Need to Know About ISBN Numbers Knowing how to get an ISBN as a selfAs of 2007, the ISBN is a 13-digit number. This came about in part because of the large volume of eBooks now being published every year.Knowing how to break down and interpret these 13 digits aren’t of much use and interest to most book readers, but for publishers and distributors, it’s a necessity.If you want to publish lots of books under your own publishing name then it’s something you may want to pay attention to. You can tell a lot about a book and its author by reading the ISBN number.The 13 digit ISBN number helps:Identify the specific titleIdentify the authorIdentify the type of book they are buyingIdentify the physical properties of that particular bookIdentify the geographical location of the publisherLet’s break it down and look at what all these numbers mean.Here is the ISBN for a particular book:978-3-16-148410-0You’ll notice this sequence is divided into 5 number combinations. But the first three dig its â€Å"978† indicates that this string of numbers is for an ISBN. If we remove these digits we have:3-16-148410-0First is the initial digit, in this case: 3The 3 is the language group identifier which here indicates German. For English speaking countries a 0 or 1 is used. Numbers for language identification generally range from 1-5.Here is a list of the most common Group identifiers:0 or 1 for English2 for French3 for German4 for Japan5 for Russian7 for Peoples Republic of ChinaIt’s worth mentioning that the rarer the language, the longer the number identifier will be. For example, Indonesia is 602 whereas Turkey is 9944. You can reference the complete list at the International ISBN Agency.Next is â€Å"16†. This is the â€Å"publisher code,† and it identifies the publisher on any book that has this number. This number can be as long as 9 digits.â€Å"148410† - This six-digit series represents the title of the book. The publisher assigns this t o a specific book or edition of the book, such as a hardcover version or paperback. This could be a single digit or stretch to multiple digits.â€Å"0† is the last digit and is known as the â€Å"check digit†. This number is mathematically calculated as a fixed digit. This is always a single digit.This number indicates that the rest of the ISBN numbers have been scanned and is calculated based on the other digits in the code.Where is the ISBN number on books?The ISBN is usually found above the barcode on the back of the book.However, theyre not the same.The barcode is much different than the ISBN number.This is an important distinction because:When you purchase an ISBN you don’t automatically get a barcodeThe barcode of your book can change, while your ISBN can remain the same.We’ve already discussed what data the ISBN carries, however,the barcode includes extra information such as the book’s fixed price and the currency it’s being sold in.B arcodes are a necessary element of your book as they allow for most retailers and distributors to scan your ISBN for retail and inventory reasons.The standard barcode is known as the EAN (European Article Number) barcode, and your barcode must be in this format to sell your book in bookstores.(Breakdown of the typical EAN barcode on the back of a book by Publisher Services)Do ISBNs expire?No, ISBN numbers never expire or go bad. In fact, if you have one from a long time ago, you can simply reconstruct it for use.But what if my old ISBN is really old and only has 10 digits?Thats not a problem, either. With this handy tool from Bowker, you can convert the ISBN easily and immediately.The Book Designer also has a great resource for learning how to reconstruct an ISBN if you finally decided to write and self-publish the book youve been thinking about since you bought the ISBN.ISBN Search: How to Find Your Books ISBNIf you want to look up the ISBN of any book out there, you can do so easi ly by visiting the website be greeted with a screen like the one above where you will be prompted to type in the ISBN, author name, or book title.After hitting search, you will have a list of books matching your searched items with the both the 13-digit ISBN and the 10-digit, like in the example below.How to Read a BarcodeIf you look at the picture of a standard barcode, you’ll notice two barcodes side by side. The barcode that appears on the left is the EAN generated from the ISBN number.The other number appearing on the right is a 5-digit add-on, called an EAN-5, that contains the price of the book. The first digit is a 5 and is a must for scanners to read. The 4-digits after the five indicates the price of the book.For example, if the number reads 52995, this means the price of the book is set at $29.95. If the price of the book changes, a new barcode must be used, though the ISBN wouldn’t change.This would only be replaced by a new ISBN number if the book is published as a new edition or as a new version.To buy a barcode you must first purchase an ISBN. You can buy your barcodes at Bowker and they even offer a barcode-ISBN combo:1 barcode + 1 ISBN is $150.1 barcode + 10 ISBNs is $320.The Difference Between ASIN and ISBNIf you’ve used Amazon’s Kindle Direct Publishing (KDP) program you’ve probably come across an ASIN. ASIN numbers are used by Amazon to manage and identify the products they are selling on their site. It’s a 10-character alphanumeric unique identifier that’s assigned by and its partners.You can find this on your book page. In your browser, the Amazon ASIN will be after the product’s name and â€Å"dp†. The next place to find this is in your book or product details area of your book page.However, an ASIN is not the same as an ISBN. You can only use it with Amazon. If you want to sell through other platforms or in brick and mortar stores, you’r e going to need an ISBN.Reasons Self-Published Authors Need an ISBNIf you want to publish and sell your eBook on Amazon, then the quick answer is no, it isn’t necessary. Amazon will assign your eBook an ASIN number which will be used to identify and track your title.However, that’s only with Amazon, and only with eBooks.If you want your readers to get a hold of a print version of your book, then you’re going to need an ISBN.This might be important if you have a brick and mortar marketing strategy, or if you want your book to be accessible through libraries (more on this later), or if you’re looking to deal with wholesalers or other online retailers.Here’s a simple rule of thumb: if you want to sell your book by means other than as an ebook on Amazon, then you’ll need an ISBN.How do I buy an ISBN Number?You might not even have to buy your ISBN number because of services offered toself-published authors. You can get assigned a free ISBN by Cre atespace, the On-Demand publishing company that has now merged with Amazon.You can also get an ISBN when dealing with a whole host of On-Demand or self-publishing companies, like Draft2Digital, Smashwords or IngramSpark, and even Lulu.If you can get a free or cheap ISBN with them, then what’s the use in paying for your own one?Here’s the problem: most of the time, you can only use those free ISBNs with the channels those companies distribute through.Let’s say you get a free ISBN with Draft2Digital, but then you notice that there are some retail channels you can access through Smashwords that you can’t with Draft2Digital.You can’t use the Draft2Digital ISBN with Smashwords.Smashwords will only let you use your own ISBN or an ISBN they assign to you. So what do you do?You get a free ISBN with Smashwords.And now you have two ISBNs for the same book. Same book title, same book format, but two ISBNs.You then hear of some exclusive channels you can get t hrough eBookPartnership. The only wrinkle? You need an ISBN and they won’t take your Smashwords’ or Draft2Digital’s ISBN. So you sign up for their free ISBN instead.Now you have three ISBNs for the same book.The Problem with Multiple ISBNsThis problem can repeat itself again and again as you discover more ways to distribute your book. Sometimes you’ll have to pay for the ISBN, sometimes you won’t. But it leads to you having several ISBNs, all from different publishers, for the same book.Can you picture how unprofessional that looks to a bookstore?Wouldn’t it have been easier to start off by buying your own ISBN? Wouldn’t that make you look more professional?On top of this, each of those free ISBNs identifies the self-publishing company as a publisher. It’s the equivalent of using your business email address as [emailprotected] or [emailprotected] instead of [emailprotected] (assuming you’re named Matt).Not only does this make you look unprofessional, but there are some stores that will refuse to stock your book on this basis. If you have a CreateSpace ISBN, there are a number of bookstores that will refuse to carry your book. All of these issues can be sidestepped by simply purchasing your own ISBN through Bowker.Libraries and ISBN NumbersWe briefly mentioned that if you want to stock your book in libraries, you’ll need an ISBN. However, that might be the furthest thing from your mind. You might have decided to focus purely on eBook publishing and what part do libraries play in eBooks?A big one. Libraries are becoming more important to the distribution of eBooks. Overdrive  is the largest supplier to schools and libraries in the world (serving more than 30,000), and they circulated more than 105 million eBooks in 2014, a 33% increase from their previous year. They also supply to retail stores globally, making $100 million in sales in 2013.And guess what you need to be able to partner with Overdrive? Yup. An ISBN.Howto get an ISBNISBNs are free in many countries, provided either by the government or a publicly administered branch. However, in the US and the UK, ISBN numbers are administered by Bowker and Nielsen respectively and require you to pay.If you’re located outside the USA you can find out your local ISBN Agency here. While ISBNs are assigned locally, you can use them internationally.If you live in the USA, you have to get an ISBN through, run by Bowker, the only company that is authorized to administer the ISBN program in the United States. You can purchase ISBNs as a single unit or in bulk of 10, 100 or 1000.How to Register Your Book and ISBN NumberAs soon as you purchase your ISBN through Bowker or the International equivalent in your local area, and you publish your book, you should register here at Bowkerlink.This is an automated tool that will add your book to Bowker’s Books In Print and Global Books In Print.I recommend y ou download the free PDF â€Å"ISBN Guides: Title Set Up Registration† with step-by-step instructions on setting up your title.How Many ISBN Numbers To GetSo how many ISBNs should you get?First off let’s clarify a few common mistakes:You can only use an ISBN once. The ISBN is a unique number for that particular book, and can be assigned once, and only once, to that title. It can’t be used with any other book in the future, even second versions of the same book.You don’t need an ISBN to sell in each individual country. ISBNs are international, they are just assigned locally. A US-based publisher can purchase their ISBN through Bowker, but can stock their book worldwide using that ISBN.You need an ISBN for every specific format of the book and any new versions. Want to sell your book in print, as an eBook, and also as an audiobook? That’s great, however, you need a different ISBN for each one. If you want to publish a revised and updated version you ’ll also need a new ISBN. (This doesn’t cover fixing some typos and errors).If you create a series of books you can’t use the same ISBN for them. You can use the same ISSN, however. Many fiction and nonfiction authors have an ISSN number assigned to their book series. ISSN stands for International Standard Series Numberand can be purchased from the Library of Congress. However, each book in the series will need its own ISBN.We mentioned that in the USA you can buy ISBNs as a single unit, a bulk of 10, 100 or 1000. Here are the prices:Number of ISBNsCost1$12510$295100$575First off, it rarely makes sense to purchase a single ISBN. A single ISBN would cost you $125, but a bulk of 10 only costs $295. Meaning if you purchased 10, each ISBN would cost you $29.50, a 76% discount.Buying a single ISBN might seem feasible if you only want to publish one title, but remember that you need an ISBN for each format. So if you want to publish your book as an audiobook, you†™d need a brand new ISBN for that. As well as needing different ISBN numbers for your eBook and print versions.Not to mention that you’ll need an ISBN number for any future books you publish, perhaps as sequels to your book.We recommend that if youre serious about making book sales, you should purchase at least a bulk of 10 ISBNs. That gives you 3 ISBN numbers to use for publishing as an eBook, in print, and as an audiobook. You can keep the remainder for any future books you might publish.How to Get an ISBN final stepsNow that you have a very good idea how to buy and use ISBNs for your own books, all the best on setting this up. If you want to be recognized as a publisher and have your books available to a larger global audience by registering through Bowker, consider investing in your own ISBN numbers.Think of it as buying a piece of property: You own it and it is registered in your name.For more information, you can find out anything you want to know by visiting the offi cial Bowker page or at myidentifiers.comHere’s a simple actionable checklist for ISBNs.To buy an ISBN for your next book, here is what you should do:Go to the website https://www.myidentifiers.comUnder the ISBN drop down tab, click on ISBNs- Buy Here. You can select 1, 10 or 100. For a bulk purchase, go to â€Å"Buying ISBNs in Bulk† and you can contact Bowker directly to discuss your options.Once you have your ISBN assigned, you can then use it everywhere that requires your ISBN number.At Createspace, under the â€Å"Setup† channel, you can choose to have Createspace assign you an ISBN. When you buy your own ISBN at Bowker, just put in the 13-digit number and Createspace will use this in your paperback.If you publish your paperback through KDP (Kindle Direct Publishing), you can fill in your number in the â€Å"Paperback Content† section of your book when you log into your bookshelf. If you choose to have Createspace assign you an ISBN, KDP will ask for your 13-digit number if you are transferring your physical version over to KDP.Register your ISBN here at Bowker as soon as your book is ready for sale. Download the free ISBN Guides: Title Set Up Registration step-by-step guide.ISBN Links ResourcesThese links appeared throughout the post but here they are for easy access.International ISBN Agency by Bowker Publisher Access System Identifier Services https://www.myidentifiers.comU.S. Copyright Office https://www.copyright.govISBN Set Up GuideISBN Guides: Basic Information

Saturday, October 19, 2019

Reading Response 7 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Reading Response 7 - Essay Example ocial networking sites are obvious—students feel more connected and display more confidence when they are active participants on social networking sites. From my point of view, teachers who discourage the use of social networking sites only turn students against them. While social networking sites can be used for purposes other than schoolwork, which takes away from studies, there are many instances where social networking sites can assist students’ performance. Say for example than a student does not understand a concept completely and requires some additional help. If this is so, that particular student could ask for help from their peers and receive almost an instant response. The article does mention the downsides of using Facebook, such as lower grades, less money from part-time jobs, and loneliness. While all these things must be taken into consideration, I believe that the positives outweigh the negatives, and so social networking sites are something that should be encouraged. Lori Aratani’s article â€Å"Teens Can Multitask, But What Are Costs† discusses an issue that is rarely brought up. I can relate to Megan Casady because my life follows a similar trajectory. I am always moving from one task to the next while trying to juggle a few things at a time. But I don’t think that it is all bad because it shows how productive young people can be. Teenagers are at an age where they have the energy to go out and do all sorts of stuff, so why not let them have the freedom to do that if they wish? I admit that I do not really think about the consequences of multitasking; it is just something that we do. I think it comes from the pressure to be more than we currently are. I mean, there are only so many hours in the day, and it seems like a race to get as many things done as possible. If people took the time to slow down and concentrate on the small tasks in life, it may lead a healthier individual. This is something that I should maybe take in to

Occupational Therapy Assistant Program Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 112

Occupational Therapy Assistant Program - Essay Example The therapist is a challenge, enabling people of all ages to lessen to a greater or smaller degree or to completely overcome those disabilities that hamper their ability to live and work independently. I work as a nurse’s aide taking care of patients and assisting them in their daily living. It gives me immense satisfaction to see patients recover and go back to the productive, satisfying and meaningful lives that were impeded by disability. This field has attracted me and I want to get to the next level in my chosen field, hence my application to Harcum College for the Occupational Therapy Assistant Program. Harcum College attracted me because of the student-centric strategies used for teaching and the flexibility of the program. I am also looking forward to the exposure I shall get to new methods that enable occupational therapists to increase their success rates. I should also like to learn to work in different environments that give a broader perspective of the field and e nable me to work with patients with different disabilities and in varied age groups. The exposure that I will get as a result of coming into contact with people who have worked in environments different from those that I have experienced; will I think to improve my understanding and skills in dealing with a wide variety of patients. I look forward to working with settings that I have not worked before that will give me a chance to learn new techniques and hone my existing skills. Health has always been considered man’s greatest wealth. I think good health is the key to a door that opens innumerable opportunities. It will give me immense satisfaction if I can in some measure help people overcome their disabilities.  

Friday, October 18, 2019

Hyper Secretion of Mucus Results in the Production of Sputum Essay

Hyper Secretion of Mucus Results in the Production of Sputum - Essay Example John has a history of previously smoking for 28 years and stopped when diagnosed with the chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) and has had asthma since he was a teenager, which is being treated with inhalers. John’s airway, breathing, and circulation was checked on arrival to identify any actual or potential problems. These observations are taken on admission as an initial assessment and management of a patient during their stay on HDU. They provide a baseline for future comparison, to monitor the patient condition during treatment and to monitor the patient’s response to treatment or medication. Whilst on HDU, John started developing respiratory problems like shortness of breath (dyspnea) with a raised respiratory rate 33 along with low oxygen saturation 88% (hypoxemia). Hypoxemia may lead to anxiety, dyspnea, and a reduction in oxygen saturation. The effect of a lowered cardiac output, poor circulation, and potential lung dysfunction may cause a drop in oxygen to tissues affecting other organs, which is why I will administer 2L of oxygen to Jack via nasal cannula. I, then, went on to assess John’s circulation where I found his skin colour, capillary refill, and fluid balance to be normal. His blood pressure was slightly raised 180/120. John’s temperature was 37 and I found his skin to be slightly moist. John pulse was 88, strong and bounding, following a sinus rhythm. Disability was assessed next and I found John’s Glasgow Coma Score (GCS) to be 15/15 and he was alert. His blood glucose was normal; however, his pain score was 7/10 so I administered some analgesia.

Romania Risk Assessment Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 4000 words

Romania Risk Assessment - Assignment Example The new state which is now Romania gained independence in 1877 from the traditional Ottoman Empire. The economy of the country is anchored on services and production of different electric energy and machines with some of the key companies being OMV Petron and Automobile Dacia. Currently the country is regarded as upper-middle income with a super high human development index. Despite the continuous growth in the country, there are a number of challenges and risks that the nation faces that it should deal with to see a continuous growth of the economy and cohesion amongst the people. ("Romania: Risk ratings", 2010, Business Europe, 2010) 3 Romania is located on the South East of Central Europe. It border black sea between Ukraine and Bulgaria. The country which is 92,043 sq. miles in area size also borders Serbia, Hungary and Moldova. Romania has a population of roughly 20 million with a temperate continental climate. The country’s largest city, Bucharest is the sixth largest city in terms of size and population within the European Union. Romania is within the traditional territories of the former Roman province of Dacia. It was formed in 1859 via a unique personal union of the principalities of Wallachia and Moldavia. The new state which is now Romania gained independence in 1877 from the traditional Ottoman Empire. The economy of the country is anchored on services and production of different electric energy and machines with some of the key companies being OMV Petron and Automobile Dacia. Currently the country is regarded as upper-middle income with a super high human development index. Despite the continuou s growth in the country, there are a number of challenges and risks that the nation faces that it should deal with to see a continuous growth of the economy and cohesion amongst the people. ("Romania: Risk ratings", 2010, Business Europe, 2010) Risk is the potential loss of something of value. When it is not handled

Thursday, October 17, 2019

The Color Purple Annotated Bibliography Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

The Color Purple - Annotated Bibliography Example The paper has been useful in understanding theological aspects of life and how people are confused between being loyal to God and taking actions to free themselves from the bondage. The information there in was very reliable and followed practical problems that bedevil many women. The presentation in the book is in particular important in my quest to understand the theology and how people may misunderstand praising God. The book has been very resourceful in the research about theology of believing and acting toward our own wellness. The novel has been helpful in new understanding of God This book is very explorative in world of theology and based on the female gender. It tries to explain how women are very religious especially when it comes to problems in their matrimonial homes. It compares women in two receiving ends of life: those who were happy in life and those in troubles. The two groups were then critically analyzed in the way they believe in God. In the assessment and evaluation of the book, it proved to be very resourceful to those with interest in theological aspects. Comparing with other sources in my research the book had an edge over the other because it made a comparative and with clear understanding. The information was very reliable and explorative with no biased in the group that were discussed. The goal of this book was to show that mostly people are drawn closer to God because of problem. The book was relevant in reserch work that involves theology of trusting in God. It fit perfectly well in those with interest in understanding way the poor and those who are in troubles end up being over religious This book explains sources of religious inspiration most of people. It explain why some people embrace nature and believe it to have powers to solves there problems while others believe in God in the heaven. In book, the two groups are depicted as having satisfaction in what

Human Rights at Pakistan, Saudi Arabia, Afghanistan, Iran, and Iraq Term Paper

Human Rights at Pakistan, Saudi Arabia, Afghanistan, Iran, and Iraq - Term Paper Example If we have a look at the developing countries like India and China from the region, the problem of human rights was really very severe some time back, but, with the influence of education and westernization of these huge economies, some of the problems have really been resolved. If we have a look at some other nations like Pakistan, Saudi Arabia, Afghanistan, Iran, Iraq, etc. the problem is still very acute in these countries. We will take some of the key points that are cardinal to the principle of human rights. The manufacturing sector in most of the countries in Asia has always been accused of inhumane practices in the field. People have blamed that the labors in these nations have to work more than 12 hours a day and seven days a week for wages not even good to earn two meals a day for them, leave alone their families. The government has been a total failure in implementing the minimum wages in most of the Asian countries. Because of the excess population, the supply of manpower in countries like India and China is much more than its demand and the low skilled workers, therefore, have to survive for their entire life in utmost penury and destitution. No wonder that South India reports the highest number of suicide cases in the entire world, as per the report by the British Journal 'Lancet' in 2004. The total number of suicide cases reported in 2002, just in India was a massive figure of 154,000. To add to this, Child labor, although is punishable in most of the countries in Asia, includin g India and China, but it is not hard to find them working in industries, hotels, resorts, and recreational centers. Such labors are available at a very cheap rate and work for extra hours. Child labor, while working, does not go for any education and all such uneducated children, in turn, produce a score of babies who also remain uneducated after starting to work at an early age. This number, therefore, keeps on growing exponentially and is, therefore, a grave problem for the government of these developing economies of China and India.     Ã‚  

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

The Color Purple Annotated Bibliography Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

The Color Purple - Annotated Bibliography Example The paper has been useful in understanding theological aspects of life and how people are confused between being loyal to God and taking actions to free themselves from the bondage. The information there in was very reliable and followed practical problems that bedevil many women. The presentation in the book is in particular important in my quest to understand the theology and how people may misunderstand praising God. The book has been very resourceful in the research about theology of believing and acting toward our own wellness. The novel has been helpful in new understanding of God This book is very explorative in world of theology and based on the female gender. It tries to explain how women are very religious especially when it comes to problems in their matrimonial homes. It compares women in two receiving ends of life: those who were happy in life and those in troubles. The two groups were then critically analyzed in the way they believe in God. In the assessment and evaluation of the book, it proved to be very resourceful to those with interest in theological aspects. Comparing with other sources in my research the book had an edge over the other because it made a comparative and with clear understanding. The information was very reliable and explorative with no biased in the group that were discussed. The goal of this book was to show that mostly people are drawn closer to God because of problem. The book was relevant in reserch work that involves theology of trusting in God. It fit perfectly well in those with interest in understanding way the poor and those who are in troubles end up being over religious This book explains sources of religious inspiration most of people. It explain why some people embrace nature and believe it to have powers to solves there problems while others believe in God in the heaven. In book, the two groups are depicted as having satisfaction in what

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Pan-arabism and Pan-islamism Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Pan-arabism and Pan-islamism - Essay Example Pan-Arabism is a political theory of adopting unity of the North Africa and West Asia countries from the Atlantic Ocean to the Arabian Ocean. This portion is known as the Arab World. Pan-Islamism on the other hand is a political movement recommending the unity of Muslims under one Islamic state, command, or leadership that is similar to International Organization. One common factor between Pan-Arabism and Pan-Islamism is the fact that Islam as a religion is founded on Arabic as a language. Most of the Pan-Arabic countries have Muslims as their occupant and they uphold the religion’s doctrines as part of the constitution of the countries. Arabic language is also the national language in the Pan-Arabic countries. However, there are some countries, which have Muslims but do not uphold Arabic as a national language. The two ideologies are completely different. Pan-Arabism has belief that there should be one nation in the Arabic world; similar to Umayyad Caliphate as in was in 750 C. E. when it had no Persia or Southern Spain. (Schmid) They believed that Turks, Europeans, and greedy rulers artificially drew Arab borders from Arab and that Arab people had a nature of being in a large nation like the United States.

Monday, October 14, 2019

Point of View Essay Example for Free

Point of View Essay The speaker of the story, who speaks as a first-person narrator, is not named. We may conclude that he has had a good deal of experience with small boats, and with the language of sailors. His concentration shifts in the course of the story. At first, he seems to be aware of all four men on the boat, collectively, and he makes observations that permit us to understand the ideas and responses of the men, who are linked in a virtual â€Å"brotherhood† because of their having been stranded on a tiny boat amid the high waves that are menacing their existence (paragraph 9). At about paragraph 49, however, the speaker shifts his concentration primarily to the correspondent, while he describes the other men more dramatically. Might we assume that at this point, Crane is merging the speaker of the story with his own voice, as nearly as we can determine it? Throughout, the speaker introduces some of his own ideas, and also, at times, speaks ironically. This accounts for some of the more humorous expressions in the story. Thus, the speaker comments wryly that the men, while rushing from the sinking ship to save themselves, â€Å"had forgotten to eat heartily† and therefore were now being weakened with hunger (paragraph 49). The speaker is in control of the tone of his descriptions, as when he points out that the human back, to a rower, is subject to innumerable and painful kinks and knots (paragraph 82). The speaker is also observant and philosophical, as when he comments that the four men at sea need to turn their heads to contemplate the â€Å"lonely and indifferent shore† (paragraph 206). The story’s final sentence, about the fact that the three surviving men can be â€Å"interpreters,† is suggestive of a good deal of thought and observation that could lead beyond the content of the story. Though the point of view is third-person limited-omniscient, Cranes merging of his thoughts with the narrators would not be as effective, not as dramatic, or objective, for it is this third-person distance that Crane feels would be most suitable for his idea that men are insignificant compared to the forces of nature, or nature itself. The point is driven home well with his particular point of view: another or different point of view would cloud his message and obscure his central theme: a different point of view would be too emotional, too fraught with survivability. The white heron is told from a third-person omniscient point-of-view, one that is aware of both Sylvia’s hopes and aspirations, and the hardships that she will encounter as she strives to achieve them. The constancy of the tree is noted from the very beginning with Sylvia’s recognition that â€Å"[in the] dark boughs [of the tree] he wind always, stirred, no matter how hot and still the air might be below † It is from this stillness that Sylvia begins her journey â€Å"with tingling eager blood† and apprehension of the point at which she must make â€Å"the dangerous pass from one tree to the other, [when] the great enterprise would really begin. † This image of making the transition from a smaller tree to a larger m ore dangerous one is a symbol of Sylvia leaving the realm of her early childhood to begin facing the challenges of becoming an adult. At first, â€Å"Sylvia felt her way uneasily,† but as she crosses trees and feels the support of the old pine, she becomes â€Å"his new dependent. † The pine is likened to â€Å"a great main mast to voyaging earth,† a simile which is followed by the author’s personification of the way in which it â€Å"h [olds] away the winds† to protect the â€Å"solitary gray-eyed child† just as a father would do. The narrative pace of the passage varies from being restrained and held back as Sylvia prepares for her adventure, to increasing in speed slightly once she changes trees, to finally reaching a climax once she reaches the top. It is this fast progression from her climbing and feelings of support from the tree to this climactic awakening that aids in communicating the true extent of Sylvia’s growth. The â€Å"spark of human spirit† that the tree’s â€Å"ponderous frame† helps to lift to the top quickly easily becomes â€Å"a pale star,† trembling and tired, but wholly triumphant. † Bierce tells An Occurrence at Owl Creek Bridge in three parts. Part I is in objective third-person point of view except for the last three paragraphs. In objective third-person narration, the storyteller observes events but cannot enter the mind of any character and disclose his or her thoughts. In the last three paragraphs of the Part I, the narration shifts to omniscient (all-knowing) third-person point of view in relation to Peyton Farquhar. This shift enables Bierce to take the reader inside Farquhars mind to demonstrate how emotional upheaval alters not only the way the mind interprets reality but also the way it perceives the passage of time. First, Farquhar mistakes the ticking of his watch for the tolling of a bell or the ring of an anvil struck by a hammer. Then, after Farquhar drops from the bridge at the moment of execution, he perceives a single second as lasting hours.

Sunday, October 13, 2019

Cross-Dressing in Shakespeares Twelfth Night and As You Like It Essay

Cross-Dressing in Shakespeare's Twelfth Night and As You Like It In Shakespeare's plays Twelfth Night and As You Like It both of the lead female characters dress as men. Both plays are comedies and the change in gender is used as a joke, but I think it goes much deeper. A woman can become a man, but only if it is not permanent. The affect of the change cannot be too great because she must change back to female once everything is settled. They are strong female characters, but must become men to protect themselves and ultimately solve the problem of the play. In the book Desire and Anxiety: The Circulation of Sexuality in Shakespearian Drama Valerie Traub calls the characters, "the crossed-dressed heroine who elicits and enjoys multiple erotic investments" (Traub 17). They can only acts this way when they are dressed as men. They return to their passive and nonsexual ways when they change back to women's clothing. In both plays the women are not in their own lands, Viola being shipwrecked on a strange land and Rosalind being banished from the cour t and wandering in the forest. Both women disguise themselves as men for protection. On the way to the forest Celia says to Rosalind, â€Å"Now go we in content/ To liberty and not to banishment† (1.3.137-138). Liberty in this line is the freedom they get overcoming the restrictions of a female role (Erikson 22). Dressing as a man is the way the women protect themselves, but as the plays progress the roles they play as men begin to influencing their actions and attitudes. The definition of a man by what he wears is so strong that in Twelfth Night Orsino still refers to Viola as her male name Cersario even after he learns she is a woman and decides to marry her. "Cersario, come/ F... ...e roles are right. Men are manly taking care of their women by marrying them and women are in their correct roles under their husbands. Works Cited Erickson, Peter. Patriarchal Structures in Shakespeare’s Drama. Los Angeles: University of California Press, 1985. Greenblatt, Stephen general ed. Walter Cohen, Jean E. Howard, and Katharine Eiasman Maus eds. The Norton Shakespeare. New York: W.W. Norton and Company, 1997. Orgel, Stephen. Impersonations: The Performance of Gender In Shakespeare’s England. Cambridge: University Press, 1996. Traub, Valerie. Desire and Anxiety: Circulation of Sexuality in Shakespearean Drama. London: Routledge, 1992. Notes: More of the definition of a female’s role in Shakespearean England can be found at in the essay Female Sovereignty in Renaissance England.

Saturday, October 12, 2019

Foothill Toll Roads :: Environmental Wildlife Essays

Foothill Toll Road's All those that are regulars of the I-5 south know how agitating it is to sit through the bumper to bumper traffic, especially on those 90 degree plus summer days. An alternative route is under construction which will help to alleviate some of these traffic woes. The proposed toll road will run parallel to the I-5 and will connect the current portion of the Foothill Tollway to the I-5, just south of San Clemente. As good as this sounds, many sacrifices must be made to accommodate this preferred route. Those that will feel the greatest wrath of the new road are the animals and plants that reside in the San Onofre State Park. The preferred route will be composed of a toll road which will cut directly through the 3,126 acre park. Those that are in favor of the toll road estimate that by the year 2010, the Foothill Corridor is projected to relieve Interstate 5 of 35,000 cars per day, Interstate 405 of 22,000, PCH of 13,000 and Moulton Parkway of 20,000. It is estimated that the corridor will carry 170,000 vehicle trips per day. The 15 miles of roadway will require 24 million cubic yards of earthwork and 1.1 million tons of asphalt paving. The Foothill Transportation Corridor Agency (TCA) has designed a plan with the greatest transportation benefits and the least environmental impacts. The mitigation of biological impacts includes 4 wildlife undercrossings, the creation of over 26.7 acres of wetlands and planting or enhancing 262 acres of the coastal sage scrub habitat. Environmentalists oppose the development of this because of the wildlife that will be endangered and threatened, primarily the California Gnatcatcher. Species that will be endangered include the Pacific pocket mouse, Arroyo southwestern toad, Tidewater goby, Southwestern willow flycatcher, least Bell's vireo and the Riverside fairy shrimp. Those animals that will be threatened consist of the California red-legged frog and the southern steelhead trout (which will no longer have viable habitat in that area). The route would cut through the canyon area that is the home to the "core" population of the California gnatcatcher. The Fish and Wildlife officials estimate that 35 pairs of the birds, which are listed as an endangered species, would be disrupted or displaced by the road and effects of the noise created by construction. There are about 100 pairs of these birds occupying the canyon area and it is from this "core" that the gnatcatchers produce new birds to surrounding areas.

Friday, October 11, 2019

Elizabethan society Essay

At the end of the novel there can be seen to be a change of attitude of society towards Grenouille. Due to his amazing gift, Grenouille is able to create a scent that powerfully manipulates human emotion through preserving the aroma of the 25 virgin girls. At Grenouille’s execution he reveals this scent and the whole town is overwhelmed by emotion. It is at this point in time that the townsfolk admire Grenouille’s gift and because of their state of delirium, disregard Grenouille’s crimes. It is here when Grenouille can be seen to be accepted into society. However, regardless of this Grenouille still perceives himself as an outsider. Grenouille believes that he is not loved for himself but for the perfume he created, he states; â€Å"I have always found gratification in hatred, in hating and being hated, not love. † He then decides to return to Paris upon finding that the satisfaction that he initially felt has transformed itself into self-hatred and disgust. In comparison to Othello the novel Perfume can be seen to be both similar and different in their representations of the Outsider. Like Grenouille, Othello is seen as an outsider because of his background. He is outcaste because of his race and his differing values due to past experiences. Grenouille can be seen to reflect this idea, as he is an outsider initially because of his background that challenges the norm of society at the time the novel was set. Another similarity that can be made between these two texts is that the perception of the outsider is perceived from society and also from within the outsider itself. Othello, even though quite underestimating at times, believes that he is inferior to the Venetians, he states; â€Å"Happily for I am black and do not possess the soft parts of conversation chamberers have†. Grenouille also perceives himself as an outsider and is aware of the unwelcoming presence he bestows upon others. The fact that Grenouille devotes his life to creating a scent that will make him accepted and valued in society shows how he is aware if this. Another likeness between Othello and Grenouille is that both characters share a differing attitude to women that makes them outsiders in society. They are both somewhat oblivious to women as a sexual commodity, or do not show the affiliation to what would be expected of them. Othello shows an unusually lack of affection or infatuation towards his wife Desdemona. Othello has just been married to a young, and beautiful woman but does not seem to be besotted with her at all. This can be compared to Grenouille’s differing attitude to women. Although Grenouille does not have a rightful relationship towards the women he comes across, he is still obsessed with them, unlike Othello. The way Grenouille expresses this obsession or feeling, however, is still different to what would be expected of most adolescent men. Grenouille is not attracted physically to the women but is enthralled by them because of their scent. Grenouille can also be compared to Iago in the play Othello, as both are dismissive towards the values and ideologies of their context. Loyalty, love, reputation and honesty were all values of great importance in Elizabethan society. Iago’s actions, however, derive from hate, vengeance and deceit. Yet Iago is still considered an insider in Venice and only chooses to disregard the values of society. Grenouille on the other hand is completely isolated from society and struggles for any kind of acceptance. His brutal actions that go against the values of 18th century France may be partially influenced by the fact that he was not introduced to the morals of society in the first place, due to this isolation. Grenouille, having seen no human affection or experienced any of the values we inherit from human interaction such as love and compassion, find it difficult to distinguish right from wrong in his actions. Another text that has enhanced my understanding of how the concept of the outsider can be portrayed is the short film â€Å"The Story of Bubbleboy†. The film was produced in 2006 for the annual Australian tropfest short film festival. It was directed by Sean Ashcroft, produced by Kristy Fransen and stars Andrew Supanz. â€Å"The Story of Bubbleboy† is a film about a man named â€Å"Bubbleboy† who is trapped in the past and redeemed by the future. Bubbleboy is a sad outsider who lives alone due to a fanatic phobia of pointed and sharp objects. He is so afraid that he results to wrapping everything, including himself, in bubble-wrap. He never ventures from his house because the outside world is too terrifying and he cannot comprehend his fears. The film tells the story of his self-imposed exile from the world and how one day, driven by dwindling supplies he ventures out. Bubbleboy, while growing more confident as his adventure draws to an end, is ironically stabbed in an ally way. However, having been stripped from his protective bubbles in his last moments, Bubbleboy finds salvation and feels connected with the world. Because of Bubbleboy’s fear and self imposed isolation, he is regarded as an outsider by society. He completely avoids human contact and is scorned by the community. Bubbleboy longs for belonging but cannot comprehend his fears. A particular scene in the novel that conveys this idea is the beginning segment where we are introduced to Bubbleboy’s way of life and how it differs greatly from that of society. Here, filming techniques are used to show that Bubbleboy is an outsider. A flashing mirage of everyday â€Å"pointy† items is shown while a narrator explains Bubbleboy’s situation. There is then a long shot of Bubbleboy wrapped from head to toe in bubble-wrap huddling in a corner of his home. This initiates the idea that he is definitely an outsider and is uncomfortable with his surroundings. Close-ups are used to show the trepidation on Bubbleboy’s face to emphasize this point. A panning shot is then used to show how every household item has been covered in bubble-wrap, emphasizing the intensity of the problem. A birds eye view is also used here of Bubbleboy moving uncomfortably through his home; this suggests that he is a victim and is clearly suffering from his phobia. To show how Bubbleboy’s fears cause him to be perceived as an outsider by the community is the use of dramatic contrast between the outside world and his own. A view from the inside of the house looking out into the street brings a striking contrast of lively colors. When this is compared to the insides of Bubbleboy’s house, which is mostly colored in grays, the fact that he is an outsider is emphasized. Two young girls ride past the house and stop mocking Bubbleboy’s strange appearance from the window. Bubble boy then shuts his curtain and disappears. The use of the window here also symbolizes the physical barrier between himself and society. Contrast is used in a further scene in the film when illustrating the differences of Bubbleboy’s lifestyle to that of people his own age. Here, Bubbleboy is seen looking longingly into the window of a house where a lively and entertaining dinner party is taking place. A camera angle is used to show how Bubbleboy is looking up into the scene creating a sense of his inferiority and isolation. There are then a series of flashing images back and forth between the vibrant and colorful party life, with Bubbleboy’s lonesome isolation, again reinforcing this idea. When Bubbleboy finally faces his fears and leaves the house, more techniques are used to show how new and trepidating this is for him due to his experience as an outsider. For example when he opens the door into the outside world, a blinding and foggy light is emitted suggesting the unknown. Once outside the house, Bubbleboy again contrasts greatly with his surroundings as his general appearance is confronting and obviously very odd. Close-ups are used to show the looks of mockery and confusion on the towns people’s faces to convey this idea. The attitudes’ towards Bubbleboy as an outsider may be seen to change towards the end of the film. When he is ironically stabbed on his way home from his healing journey his is stripped of his bubble-wrap protection. It is here when society can accept him as his true self is revealed. This is shown by a woman rushing to the aid of injured Bubbleboy, truly concerned for his wellbeing. Bubbleboy’s perceptions of himself as an outsider can also be seen to change. A narrator’s voice is used to explain that at that point, Bubbleboy finds salvation, and for the first time feels connected to the world once outside his shell. There are not many similarities to the play Othello as the short film is such a vastly different text. Though it is clear that both characters; Bubbleboy and Othello are perceived as outsiders by society. However, it is Othello’s unforeseen and irrational actions that confirm his status as an outsider. While it is Bubbleboy’s out of the ordinary actions that enable him to be accepted into society. Also, Bubbleboy is portrayed to be a victim of the imposing views of society, as he is a lonely and lost character, but on the other hand Othello victimizes society itself when he undergoes the actions that make him an outsider. Evidently, the three texts; â€Å"Othello†, â€Å"Perfume† and â€Å"The Story of Bubbleboy† have all increased my understanding of the outsider as they illustrate a vast use of techniques and concepts that make a person an outsider in society.

Thursday, October 10, 2019

Fahrenheit 451 Essay

Fahrenheit 451 Synthesis Essay In the book Fahrenheit 451, author Ray Bradbury describes a futuristic society in which it is normal for an average individual to shun and absolutely loathe books. The main character, Guy Montag, works as a fireman, and his job description consists of burning books instead of preventing fires. Television is a major topic in this book, and for the most part, is portrayed as an extremely obsessive and deleterious item.Today, in American society however, television is a much more positive thing, and has a lot to contribute to a healthy, connected, and well informed society. In American society, television can save lives instead of destroying them. Tim Leberecht, a well-reputed blogger and columnist, proclaims, â€Å"studies indicate enormous potential for TV to serve as a health educator† (Leberecht). Television provides us with information about how to keep better health in an interesting and effective way. By using drama and popular culture refere nces, TV educates us about health concerns and ways to prevent them.Bradbury obviously does not realize this aspect of television when he states on page 21, â€Å"If we had a fourth wall, why it’d be like this room wasn’t ours at all, but all kind of exotic people’s rooms† (Bradbury 21). Montag’s wife, Mildred, tries to convince Guy to get her a fourth TV wall, which would completely enclose her in a fake TV world. In reality, however, people make much more out of TV than in this fake, futuristic society. Television today has transformed into a machine that can make us grasp and learn difficult items with ease. TV can make us smarter (as it) contains multi threaded storylines featuring fifteen or more characters,† states www. designmind. com (Leberecht). These complexities in plot make us think extensively and outside the box, and push our minds to the limits of our computing ability. Unfortunately for the natives of the futuristic society in Fahrenheit 451, television only contains useless information that drives viewers to forget information about their families. â€Å"When did we meet? And where? † Montag asks his wife (Bradbury 42).TV has driven them to forget about the people that live in their own homes, as it depicted as a very negative concept. In our modern day television, however, we have the ability to understand and comprehend complicated ideas as a family, and serves to unite rather than disperse families through the art of learning. Television breaks down barriers and taps into our better selves. Tim Leberecht pronounces that â€Å"After the 1965 Watts Riots, CBS Journalist Joe Saltzman produced Black on Black, a documentary about what it means to be black in Los Angeles† (Leberecht).Television series, documentaries, and movies help to break down barriers and restrictions between race, gender, color, and creed, and make us knowledgeable about the fact that everyone is created equally in these measures. Without the aid of TV, many important movements around the world would not have taken place. A study conducted by Hollywood, Health & Society, shows that â€Å"viewers of the episode (of CBS show Numb3rs on an organ donation storyline) were more likely to become registered organ donors† (Leberecht). Television informs us about ways that we can better ourselves as well as help others.On page 20 of Fahrenheit 451, Mildred memorizes the simplistic and useless storylines of the television shows she watches (Bradbury 20). On the other hand, in the real world we have many TV programs where we can learn and apply the right things to do in life, instead of committing to memory the ways to respond to a fake TV family and life. Television brings family and friends together in ways that make everyone feel comfortable and entertained. â€Å"Televised events like the Super Bowl, the Olympics and the World Cup give us a rare opportunity to share a moment in time with the world, † proclaims Tim Leberecht of www. esignmind. com (Leberecht). With our busy lives, we almost never take out time to spend with our loved ones, and these televised events are when the majority of people meet up and have fun. â€Å"Millie? Does the White Clown love you? Does your ‘family’ love you, love you with all their heart and soul, Millie? † Montag asks Mildred (Bradbury 77). Guy Montag is questioning his wife out of desperation, and is extremely curious to know if she believes that her fake TV family really loves her. From this we can see that he is truly disappointed with life and his wife’s immoral addiction to television.We must keep in mind that our society today is not as dumbed down and obsessed with fake parlor shows that spread real, tangible people apart as Mildred is. TV today is a source of knowledge and learning, and creates the perfect circumstances and settings for the getting together of the people that really matter the most. One of the most important aspects of television is its ability to strengthen democracy and teach the law. â€Å"Seventy-two percent (of the US population) learn about elections and candidates from TV news,† states www. designmind. om (Leberecht). TV brings us information that is essential to maintaining our freedom and our guaranteed rights. It also provides us with news about the world, and of countries that have strayed off the path of democracy and the consequences that they are forced to endure through because of that. â€Å"The search is over, Montag is dead; a crime against society has been avenged,† claims the TV news anchor in Fahrenheit 451 (Bradbury 149). In reality, Guy is still alive and on the loose, but the news gives out fake information to the population.The news in Montag’s society is just a source of propaganda, instead of the true, insightful, informative, un-biased news we have broadcasting 24/7 in the modern day United States. Television saves lives, empowers health, makes us smarter, breaks down barriers, makes us better people, brings loved ones together, and strengthens democracy. TV is clearly a force that informs, entertains, and makes us the best that we can possibly be every single day. Works Cited Leberecht, Tim. â€Å"10 Reasons Why TV Is Good For You. † Design Mind. 27 July 2010. Web. 11 Mar. 2013. Bradbury, Ray. Fahrenheit 451. New York: Simon and Schuster, 1967. Print.