Wednesday, October 16, 2019

The Color Purple Annotated Bibliography Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

The Color Purple - Annotated Bibliography Example The paper has been useful in understanding theological aspects of life and how people are confused between being loyal to God and taking actions to free themselves from the bondage. The information there in was very reliable and followed practical problems that bedevil many women. The presentation in the book is in particular important in my quest to understand the theology and how people may misunderstand praising God. The book has been very resourceful in the research about theology of believing and acting toward our own wellness. The novel has been helpful in new understanding of God This book is very explorative in world of theology and based on the female gender. It tries to explain how women are very religious especially when it comes to problems in their matrimonial homes. It compares women in two receiving ends of life: those who were happy in life and those in troubles. The two groups were then critically analyzed in the way they believe in God. In the assessment and evaluation of the book, it proved to be very resourceful to those with interest in theological aspects. Comparing with other sources in my research the book had an edge over the other because it made a comparative and with clear understanding. The information was very reliable and explorative with no biased in the group that were discussed. The goal of this book was to show that mostly people are drawn closer to God because of problem. The book was relevant in reserch work that involves theology of trusting in God. It fit perfectly well in those with interest in understanding way the poor and those who are in troubles end up being over religious This book explains sources of religious inspiration most of people. It explain why some people embrace nature and believe it to have powers to solves there problems while others believe in God in the heaven. In book, the two groups are depicted as having satisfaction in what

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