Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Leonardo Da Vinci was a True Renaissance Man - 699 Words

Leonardo Da Vinci was a true Renaissance man. He was an inventor, a scientist, a mathematician and a painter. He had the mind and visions of a thinker centuries ahead of his time. Hundreds of years later, he is still one of the most recognized and iconic people in the world, known for his Paintings like the Mona Lisa and changed the way paintings and art were created. But one success Da Vinci had that is not as well known as his iconic art such as the Last Supper are his inventions. Leonardo Da Vincis genius achievements in his creations sketches, and ideas of inventions were able to impact generations of people in the future significantly, but his inventions did not impact much of world history. Leonardo Da Vincis life began as an average but poor child in the midst of the Italian Renaissance. A period where the main focus wasnt on religion and was more focused on secular themes and creativity. He was born in 1452 in Vinci Italy and was raised on an estate belonging to his father, while his uncle also helped raise him. Da Vinci never received a full education like others, but his artistic abilities were noted by his father who eventually apprenticed him to a well known sculptor Andrea del Verrocchio, of Florence (History ). When apprenticed, â€Å"His skills as an artist developed, flourished and even intimidated his mentor †(Da Vincis Inventions). Although he was gifted at his artistic abilities, Da Vinci was looking to expand on his abilities and add more skills. HeShow MoreRelatedLeonardo Da Vinci : The Renaissance951 Words   |  4 PagesThe Renaissance was a rebirth of creativity, freedom, individuality, independence and self- determination. During this time period where humanism was encouraged, there were countless Renaissance men. 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