Monday, September 30, 2019

Purpose of a Project Scope/Baseline

Defining project scope is the process of developing a detailed description of the project and product. The processes used to manage project scope, as well as the supporting tools and techniques, vary by application area and are usually defined as part of the project life cycle. The approved detailed project scope statement and its associated WBS and WBS dictionary are the scope baseline for the project. This baseline is then monitored, verified, and controlled throughout the lifecycle of the project. The purpose of project scope is to provide the project organization and the project manager with a road map of both the work to be completed, as well as the types of final deliverables sought. In some cases the scope document and the SOW are practically identical. For example, while the scope document may describe the end product or service to be produced and delivered by the project, it should not be treated as a document for technical specifications. Changes happen as a result of several reasons: As the result of initial planning errors- Because many projects involve significant technology risks and uncertainty, it is often impossible to accurately account for all potential problems or technological roadblocks. As a result, many projects require midcourse changes to specifications when they encounter unsolvable problems or unexpected difficulties. As a result of additional knowledge of project conditions- The project team or client may enter into a project, only to discover that specific project features or the development environment itself require midcourse changes to scope. Uncontrollable mandates- In some circumstances, events occur outside the control of the project manager or team that must be factored into the project as it moves forward. Client requests- As a project`s clients learn more about the project, they often ask for significant alternations to address new needs. Also, reasons for changing the project may be: poor communication; pressure/time constraints preventing effective definitive design; contracts signed when scope in not frozen; changes from initial design; poor initial planning; lack of project management tools and others. In simple terms, configuration management is the best understood as the Systematic Management and Control of Project Change. The specific tasks of the configuration management discipline are as follows: * Configuration identification – This process identifies all items uniquely within the configuration, which establishes a successful method for requesting a change and ensures that no change takes place without authority. In addition, every configuration item should be physically labeled so that the label identifies that physical item as the one recorded in the configuration register. In the case of large projects that involve numerous configuration items, it is important to establish a baseline configuration to provide some structure and avoid confusion. * Configuration control – This is a system through which changes may be made to configuration items. As change request begin to appear, the configuration control system ensures that no change is made without assessment of its impact, either by the people potentially affected by the change, or without approval by an appropriate authority. * Configuration status accounting- This process, which records and reports the current status and history of all changes to the configuration system, provides a complete record of what happened to the configuration system to date. * Configuration audit – These audits are performed to ensure conformity between the items in the configuration and their specifications. Audits ensure not only a match between what is delivered and what was required, but also consistency throughout all project documents. To avoid the cost and delays associated with uncontrolled changes, many organizations have set up formal procedures to control them- and have further extended those procedures â€Å"upstream† to anticipate changes well before occur. Establishing a configuration control system provides such a framework for anticipating what may not be obvious.

Sunday, September 29, 2019

Critical Reflection and Leadership in Identity Making Essay

â€Å"Vision is the key to understanding leadership† (Haslam, Reicher, & Platow, 2011). I have spent many years trying to avoid positions of authority and leadership roles, bedside nursing was a perfect escape. This paper will show that we are all born leaders and to get to those hidden leadership abilities is to engage in self-awareness, self-reflection, and achieve a higher education to learn how to apply them (Lowney, 2003). Critical Reflection and Leadership in Identity Making â€Å"Vision is the key to understanding leadership† (Haslam, Reicher, & Platow, 2011). I have spent many years trying to avoid positions of authority and leadership roles, bedside nursing was a perfect escape. Over the years, I have worked virtually every aspect of nursing, except management. I found conversations to be one sided, often leaving the staff feeling they were guilty until proven innocent. I have had some remarkable â€Å"Nurse Managers but, most were ineffective, selfish, and unappealing. This did nothing to inspire me to become a leader. Becoming the Intensive Care Units’ â€Å"Unit Based Educator† made me realize that the only way to achieve my vision to make a difference, was through education geared toward leadership. According to Lowney (2003), the insight into being a leader is through self-reflection. (Valli, 1999) interjects this theory into five types of reflection, further guiding us into a deeper self-awareness. The reading that had the most impact on me this week would have to be critical reflection. To me, critical reflection is interchangeable with critical thinking. I am bombarded with information that requiring on the spot decisions. Through the use of Critical thinking, I make decisions from past experiences, information at hand, and the impact my decisions will have now and the future. On the other hand, critical reflection, is more of a process that allows us to question past experiences, then consider, reassess and analyze those experiences prior to applying them to the current situation. The information provided in this week’s study has already impacted my leadership style. I have applied critical reflection to make more informed decisions, and being better informed, I am less reactionary. Being reflective has allowed me to be more insightful on how destructive, self- deception has been in my personally, socially, and in my work. I no longer say â€Å"I cannot†, instead; I review the situation, reflect on alternatives, and then make a decision. I agree with Lowney (2003) we are all born leaders and to get to those hidden leadership abilities is to engage in self-awareness, self-reflection, and achieve a higher education to learn how to apply them. I thought that I had escaped the claws of leadership by becoming an educator, another self-deceptive thought. This course has taught me that the Educator has the most influential leadership position. Being an Educator is my motivation to learning how to be that sound, moral leader I want to be.

Saturday, September 28, 2019

Effects of Cell Phone on the Human Body Research Paper - 1

Effects of Cell Phone on the Human Body - Research Paper Example Along with the increase in cell phone use, the incidences of cancer have also exploded all over the world. This may be a consequence of the microwave radiation that is employed for communicating through cell phones. â€Å"Studies that claim a relationship between cell phones and diseases like cancer and Alzheimer’s should not be brushed aside as ‘inconclusive’† (â€Å"Disadvantages of Cell Phones†). Cell phone affects the brain activity by giving a boost to the brain glucose metabolism in particular regions, though if or not it is something serious is still debatable. Talking to WebMD, the director of the National Institutes of Health’s National Institute on Drug Abuse, Nora Volkow said, â€Å"[w]e don’t know that this is harmful [but we know that] glucose metabolism is a direct indicator of brain activity† (Volkow cited in Doheny 1). The sugar is consumed by cells in the brain for energy. This conclusion was drawn after a comprehensive research by Nora Volkow and her colleagues. They involved 47 healthy volunteers in that research and performed PET scans of their brains after placing the cell phones on their left and right ears. The glucose metabolism in the brain was measured twice. While studying the effect of cell phone on the brain on the positron emission tomography (PST) scans, Volkow found a 7 percent increase in the metabolism of glucose in the regi on of the brain that was nearest to the antenna in people that held the cell phone on either side of the brain for 50 minutes.  

Friday, September 27, 2019

Systems Upgrade for an Accounting Firm Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Systems Upgrade for an Accounting Firm - Essay Example Hardware Requirements of ComputersWith respect to the accounting firm in subject, it is undeniable that the smaller firm use old computer systems in conducting their accounting practices. Use of circa 2005 models and Windows XP indicates that the small firm misses out on opportunity cost and convenience associated with new systems in the market. At this juncture, the essay will evaluate on the hardware needs of the small firm in terms of recommended computer models. In their earlier research, Kenneth, James and Mansfield (2012) found out that Mac computers feature as the leading products in terms of superiority, quality and reliability In order to upgrade the accounting firm, every employee will have to work with a Mac desktop computer. Since Mac computers possess different hardware specifications, it will be appropriate to select a model that not only possess the requisite features but also budget friendly. In this context, I would recommend model A1347 Apple Mac Mini Desktop for ev ery employee within the marketing department. On the other hand, auditors, ticket agents and accountants would work well with model A3870. Currently, the A1347 model retails at $390 while the A3870 goes for $25 and all prices are inclusive of shipping charges.Choice of each model depends on functionality requirements and professional purpose of the departmental computers. Conventionally, functional requirements for the marketing department differ considerably from those of the auditing or accounting departments.

Thursday, September 26, 2019

The Biological Aspects of Aging Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

The Biological Aspects of Aging - Assignment Example It is, therefore, the renowned essayist and scholar Sir Francis Bacon has rightly stated the relationship between husband and wife in these words: â€Å"Wives are young men's mistresses; companions for middle age; and old men's nurses.† ( The same applies to husbands too, who look after their elderly wives with extreme sympathy, compassion, and care. However, children should also acknowledge their responsibilities towards the aged and ailing parents; otherwise, their death leaves nothing but the feelings of utter repentance and remorse in the heart of the children. Though it is really worrying to note that dear aunt is suffering from depression, please do not take it to heart too seriously my dear. Man experiences several apparent and hidden changes as soon as he starts growing old. His physical and mental capacities start weakening gradually, which badly tells upon his mind and nerves. You see how certain factors work jointly to make man feeble and helpless. Since he is not ready for that all, he undergoes such disgusting feelings that cause depression, exasperation, and annoyance in him, which pave the way towards his psychological collapse and mental illness. The same is the case with my dear aunt and your kind mother Mrs. Andrew, who is undergoing mental retardation because of elderly years. â€Å"Certain psychological and physiological changes†, Ferrini & Ferrini observe, â€Å"that occur with age affect memory, thinking pro ­cesses, mood, and personality. Some of these changes are perceived as positive by elders. For example, th e elder has accumulated a wealth of experiences, which may result in improved judg ­ment, decision making, or empathy.† (2008: 194) You will also be worried about her weakness and ailment my dear Michael, as she would pretend a bit nagging too these days out of sheer feelings of depression and despair. Since elderly have a lot of experience and a bit wealth too.

Assessing organizational culture Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Assessing organizational culture - Case Study Example ike communication in general, organizational communication represents a more complex phenomenon as it entails the integration of two unique concepts, â€Å"organization† and â€Å"communication†. In light of this, it is prudent for scholars to understand aspects relating to both concepts separately, and in turn find the intersection points of the two. Initially, individual’s conceptualization of organization communication centred on production of messages; however, this has now changed with research showing the importance of developing literacy within this domain. Literacy has and continues to broaden people’s perspectives with regard to organization communication, as they begin to appreciate the variety of ways they can approach, examine and understand communication (Cheney et al., 2010). Champoux (1996) identifies six key functions of organization communication, which include information sharing, emotion, feedback, persuasion, innovation and integration to coordinate various functions. Through effective channels of communication at the workplace, different parties are able to share information, which facilitates planning and the execution of tasks with the sole aim of achieving both individual and organizational goals. In addition, effective communication channels serve as a tool for parties to communicate their e motions; for example, top management can these channels to communicate their displeasure/ dissatisfaction with employees’ performance. They also serve as a feedback tool whereby, recipients are able to respond to the senders’ messages; therefore, give their input on specific matters. Finally, effective communication channels permit the integration of various functions within the organization. Departmentalization exists even in organizations with the simplest organization structure. As such, effective channels of communication enable the coordination of functions, which are specific to each department. Cheney et al. (2010) argue that literacy in

Wednesday, September 25, 2019

Reflect and evaluate Brand Starbucks marketing principles Essay

Reflect and evaluate Brand Starbucks marketing principles - Essay Example Brands absorb everything around them like Imelda Marcos in the shoe department at Nordstrom† (quoted in Kalin, 2001). By this definition, customer service and the quality of the products are actually considered part of the brand. Strong brands help companies establish a place within the international and local marketplace (Aaker, 1996). They also help the company develop a strong consumer base through brand recognition. However, brands don't become strong without offering quality products and excellent customer service. This is because brands only become strong when they have a high number of loyal consumers. Loyal consumers are made by giving them products that they enjoy and appreciate and taking care of customers when they have complaints or problems. According to Childers, satisfied customers exponentially increase in number, resulting in greater profitability for the company (2005). To see how this works, it's helpful to apply these ideas to a company like Starbucks. Starb ucks is a well-known coffee company that specializes in serving ready-to-drink single-serve coffee and other drinks to a mostly middle and upper class clientele. This company now has a very strong brand which it has gained by focusing on quality products and excellent customer service. ... Each customer was treated as a regular, whether they were or not, with their name written on their cup and plenty of customization of their order available. Now that the company has cultivated a very strong consumer base, it relies more and more on its strong brand to continue driving growth. As part of this brand, it offers customized menus for each region based upon local and national favorites. All of these different menus are brought together under the one brand identified by a simple and universal logo. Even if the menu isn't the same as the menu back home, travelers to new places can feel at home as soon as they walk into a Starbucks store because of that logo and a relatively similar approach to decor. Examining this company and assuming I have correctly identified the marketing principles it considers to be most important, I believe Starbucks is doing a good job of following these principles. Having a strong global brand is important to success in the commercial world today, but Starbucks has not forgotten that it developed that brand by offering quality products and excellent customer service. It proves this by maintaining a focus on what the local market enjoys and expects. â€Å"Experience has shown that companies need not always create one-size-fits-all global brands just because the world appears to be shrinking. Indeed, firms should recognize that adapting brands to local conditions will on many occasions be the best approach, and at times the only approach, because local conditions will leave them no other choice† (Managing Brands, 2005). By adapting their brand to local conditions but insisting that everything sold in the similarly decorated coffee houses carries the

Monday, September 23, 2019

Comparison of strategic groups in UK and Spanish Grocery Industries Essay

Comparison of strategic groups in UK and Spanish Grocery Industries - Essay Example Technology penetration is high among UK Consumers. Reason is UK is highly literate and most of the software’s use English as the base language. Technology penetration is less among Spanish Consumers. Reason is the language and literacy level. Competition is mainly differentiation oriented focusing On Innovation and creativity. Competition is mainly Price oriented with differentiation playing a significant role. Competition is on a global basis as a lot of British companies go abroad for outsourcing their supply chain etc. Reason could be the Government policy. Competition is on a local basis as Spanish companies restrict themselves from going abroad and form associations and unions and restrict the entry of foreign players in Spain. Strategic Stable Time Periods in Strategic groups have been stable due to the stability of UK Economy. Strategic Stable Time Periods in Strategic groups have been unstable due to the un stability of Spanish Economy. The retail structure is the sam e except the inclusion of mid-range national chains. Spanish Local hypermarket operators form a part of Spanish retail structure.

Sunday, September 22, 2019

Robert William Pickton Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Robert William Pickton - Essay Example It shall present the history of Pickton’s violent behavior tracing back through his childhood experiences, life experiences and his social interaction. It shall also provide a psychological explanation as to why a crime is committed and identify the root causes of human behavior in relation to social circumstances. Pickton’s demeanor and behavior shall be studied in connection with the biological positivism theory and mainstream criminology. Keywords: criminal mind, crimes, positivist theory, human behavior, biological perspective, mainstream criminology The Path to Crime: Developmental Theories â€Å"Developmental theories seek to identify, describe and understand the developmental factors that explain the onset and continuation of a criminal career. These theories not only want to know why people enter a criminal way of life, but also whether once they do, they are able to alter the trajectory of their criminal involvement. Developmental Theories fall into two distin ct groups. Latent Trait Theory and Life-Course Theory† (Siegal, 118). The Latent Trait Theory provides that the human behavior is controlled by a master trait, present at birth, or soon after. This theory adheres that the criminal behavior remains stable and unchanging throughout a person’s lifetime. Suspected latent traits include defective intelligence, impulsive personality, and lack of attachment characteristics that may be present at birth or established early in life and remain stable over time (Siegal, 118). This theory presents that the criminality of a person is inborn and developed over time. Such individual is a born criminal. On the other hand, Larry J. Siegal (2010, 119) has reported that: â€Å"The Life-Course Theory views criminality as a dynamic process, influenced by a multitude of individual characteristics, traits and social experiences. As people travel through the life-course, they are constantly bombarded by changing perceptions and experiences. T he criminals start their journey at different times. Some are precocious, beginning their criminal careers early and persisting into adulthood whereas others stay out of trouble in their early adolescence and do not violate the law until late in their teenage years. Early-onset, criminals seem to get involved in such behaviors as truancy, cruelty to animals, lying and theft. They appear to be more violent than other people their age. The course of social and developmental changes, through which an individual passes, as he or she travels from birth, through childhood, adolescence, adulthood, and finally old age.† The life-course theory is applicable to Pickton because his criminality developed through the experiences he had in his lifetime. His traits and characteristics, and blended together with his social experience made him a hard-core criminal. Comparing him with his brother and sister who carry the same genetics, the two siblings did not transform into evil and demonic in dividuals like Robert. His lack of social interaction, isolation and living in the pig farm alone by himself created the horrible monster that he is. The American Psychiatric Association’s Diagnostic and Statistical Manual provides that Antisocial Personality Disorder or ASPD is a pervasive pattern of disregard for, violation of, the rights of others

Saturday, September 21, 2019

Case Study Mcdonalds Essay Example for Free

Case Study Mcdonalds Essay It operates over 35000 restaurants in more than 100 countries on six continents. 5 It has an unparalleled global infrastructure and competencies in restaurant operations, real estate, retailing, marketing and franchising. McDonald’s website says that it is a leader in the area of social responsibility and is committed to protecting the environment for future generations. 7 Strong and wide communication channel in the market. (deng, 2009) 8 Play areas for children. 9 Large target markets. 10 Recession resistant (Birchall, 2008) 11 In September 2003 successful backing up of new products was launched with MTV’s advertising campaign featuring the new tag line, â€Å"I’m Lovin’it†. (Jennifer, 2004) WEAKNESSES 1 McDonald’s has not achieved its growth expectations in past several years. Narrow Product lines. (deng, 2009) 3 McDonald’s brand association as a junk food. (deng, 2009) 4 Few option for healthy eating 5 High employee turnover rates. (macy, 2012) 6 McDonald’s also have some bad effects on environment. (ltd. , 2006) 7 McDonald’s also faces many types of legal actions on many issues. OPPORTUNITIES 1 Product packing for McDonalds now features QR codes for customers to get nutritional information. Mcnamara, 2013) 2 Opportunity to enlarge market, the consumers who care about health issue. (deng, 2009) 3 Slightly changing market brand image of McDonalds. (deng, 2009) 4 In 2009, McDonald’s launched its hefty Angus burger in all U. S. A locations. 5 Introduction of trans-fat-free French fries in all restaurants in the U. S. A and Canada. 6 Introduction of McCafe. 7 Testing marketing fruits and vegetables as happy meal at some outlets. 8 McDonald’s franchises overseas became a favorite target of people and groups expressing antiglobalization sentiments. Entry into new and highly popular product categories. THREATS 1 Public attack about obesity issue. (deng, 2009) 2 Changing taste of consumers. (deng, 2009) 3 Unable to keep patrons as special order sandwiches offered by rivals Burger King and Wendy’s. 4 Promotional plans like McDonalds game found conspiracy with 51 people charged in a part of scam winning $24 million by stealing winning McDonald’s tickets. 5 McDonalds showed a delayed effect than other restaurants operators in switching over to zero trans-fat cooking oil. In 2001 McDonald’s was sued for hurting religious sentiments by vegetarian groups for not revealing its flavors in French fries as it added beef extract to vegetable oil and showing it as veg in menu. 7 Consum ers began filing law suits that eating at McDonald’s had made them over weight. 8 Competition from burger kings and Wendy’s. (Thomadsen, 2007) MARKET SEGMENTATION TARGET MARKET| BABY BOOMERS| GENERATION X| GENERATION Y| GENERATION Z| DEMOGRAPHICS| 45-65+| 35-44| 19-34| 0-18| GEOGRAPHICS| URBAN| URBAN| URBAN| URBAN| PSYCOGRAPHICS| More concerned with low cholesterol food| More concerned with low fat food| More concerned with physical fitness food products| Generally eats taste oriented food products| BEHAVIOURAL| Mostly concerned with good quality of food products| Requires access with quick and fresh food service| Generally catch-up food by themselves by reaching out| Check out with friends and family| ISSUE ANALYSIS In 2004,Morgan Spurlock’s documentary film Super-Size Me gave very criticism to McDonald’s fast â€Å"nutrition†, in which he shows how he gains fat and destroy his health by eating McDonald’s. 2 In 1998 McDonald’s started â€Å"Made for you† System but it was not successful. There was a decrease in growth of sales in stores. 3 In 1999 before the implementation of â€Å"made for you â€Å"scheme ,McDonald’s planned to provide about 190 million in financial assistance to its franchisees ,but the actual cost of implementing the system ran much higher than the corporation had estimated. In 2001, 51 people were charged conspiring to rig McDonald’s game promotions over the course of several years, revealing that $24 million of winning McDonald’s game tickets had been stolen as a part of scam. 5 In 2004, McDonald’s was sued for extracting a small amount beef added in to the vegetable oil used for cooking French fries. 6 Many people still complain that the food served by McDonald’s is not hot to eat. RECOMMENDATIONS PRODUCT :- 1 McDonald’s should provide hot food to eat because many customers complaint that their food is not so hot to eat otherwise it will affect sales. McDonalds should bring some new healthier products for all ages because bad effect on health is one of the weaknesses of McDonald’s and bringing some healthier food will help to overcome this image. 3 McDonald’s should provide some free snacks because it will help it compete with its competitors and increase sales. 4 McDonalds should make their products in fat free oil because it will have good effect on health. 5 McDonald’s should also provide some regional food because in this way some rural people will also start accepting its products. Launching of new fried and bone in treats in Chicago. PRICE:- 1 The price of products should be affordable because if they will not be affordable to small income group then its sale will be affected and it will also give the opportunity to competitors to increase their sales. 2 The prices of products should be regularly checked so as to compete with competition because people will buy those products which they can get in low price. PLACE:- 1 McDonald’s should open new franchises in small cities also . It will help them to expand its business and increase growth. McDonald’s should increase the number of its franchises in all countries in order to expand its business. PROMOTION:- 1 McDonald’s should provide some discount on more products purchased because in this way people will buy more. Because some people will start purchasing more items if they can get discount. 2 McDonald’s should provide home delivery service because sometimes some people can’t go to store in order to pu rchase them. It will increase sales. 3 McDonald’s should provide online sale because in this way people can place their orders online. McDonald’s is working on new salads and wraps . (wong, 2013) 5 McDonald, s will test the new fried and bone in treats in Chicago. (wong, 2013) 6 Success of mighty wings in Atlanta. (wong, 2013) BEST RECOMMENDATIONS PRODUCT:- McDonald’s should provide some healthier food for all ages because health obesity is the major problem with McDonald’s . In this way they can get good image regarding health. PRICE:- Prices of products should be regularly checked in order to compete with competition because people will cheapest product. PLACE:- McDonald’s should open new small franchises at small cities also because it will help him to expand its business and increase growth rates. PROMOTION:- McDonald’s should provide home delivery service because sometimes people can’t go to store in order to purchase product. BIBLIOGRAPHY Bibliography Birchall, J. (2008). McDonalds claims fast food sales fighting off slowdown. Financial times. deng, t. (2009, may). McDonalds new strategy on changing attitudes and communication. International journal of marketing studies, 37-42. Jennifer, R. (2004). online branding :the case of McDonalds. ritish food journal. ltd. , n. m. (2006). ICCR sponsered proxy resolutions on genetically modified organisms gain recognition among shareholders at wendys McDonalds . financial wire. macy, a. (2012). financing a remodel:a case of McDonalds Franchisee. journal of case research in business and economics. Mcnamara, B. (2013). McDonalds give the people what they want. Nutrition business journal. Thomadsen, r. (2007). product positiong and competion:the role of location in the fast food industry. Marketing science. wong, V. (2013). will McDonalds mighty wings fly? Business weak.

Friday, September 20, 2019

Importance of Elasticity Demand

Importance of Elasticity Demand Price Elasticity of Demand (PED) measures the percentage change in the price of a product, to the percentage change of demand for that same product. It is measured through varying degrees of elasticity. An inelastic good means that a change in price will have a very little effect on the demand. Due to PED=%?Q / %?P, inelastic  ­goods have a PED