Monday, September 23, 2019

Comparison of strategic groups in UK and Spanish Grocery Industries Essay

Comparison of strategic groups in UK and Spanish Grocery Industries - Essay Example Technology penetration is high among UK Consumers. Reason is UK is highly literate and most of the software’s use English as the base language. Technology penetration is less among Spanish Consumers. Reason is the language and literacy level. Competition is mainly differentiation oriented focusing On Innovation and creativity. Competition is mainly Price oriented with differentiation playing a significant role. Competition is on a global basis as a lot of British companies go abroad for outsourcing their supply chain etc. Reason could be the Government policy. Competition is on a local basis as Spanish companies restrict themselves from going abroad and form associations and unions and restrict the entry of foreign players in Spain. Strategic Stable Time Periods in Strategic groups have been stable due to the stability of UK Economy. Strategic Stable Time Periods in Strategic groups have been unstable due to the un stability of Spanish Economy. The retail structure is the sam e except the inclusion of mid-range national chains. Spanish Local hypermarket operators form a part of Spanish retail structure.

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