Thursday, September 26, 2019

Assessing organizational culture Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Assessing organizational culture - Case Study Example ike communication in general, organizational communication represents a more complex phenomenon as it entails the integration of two unique concepts, â€Å"organization† and â€Å"communication†. In light of this, it is prudent for scholars to understand aspects relating to both concepts separately, and in turn find the intersection points of the two. Initially, individual’s conceptualization of organization communication centred on production of messages; however, this has now changed with research showing the importance of developing literacy within this domain. Literacy has and continues to broaden people’s perspectives with regard to organization communication, as they begin to appreciate the variety of ways they can approach, examine and understand communication (Cheney et al., 2010). Champoux (1996) identifies six key functions of organization communication, which include information sharing, emotion, feedback, persuasion, innovation and integration to coordinate various functions. Through effective channels of communication at the workplace, different parties are able to share information, which facilitates planning and the execution of tasks with the sole aim of achieving both individual and organizational goals. In addition, effective communication channels serve as a tool for parties to communicate their e motions; for example, top management can these channels to communicate their displeasure/ dissatisfaction with employees’ performance. They also serve as a feedback tool whereby, recipients are able to respond to the senders’ messages; therefore, give their input on specific matters. Finally, effective communication channels permit the integration of various functions within the organization. Departmentalization exists even in organizations with the simplest organization structure. As such, effective channels of communication enable the coordination of functions, which are specific to each department. Cheney et al. (2010) argue that literacy in

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